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Superior asked to help name new Bobcat mascot

| November 9, 2022 12:00 AM

Thirty years is pretty old for a Bobcat. And this particular kitty needs much more than a bath and a makeover – in fact it’s time for a complete upgrade.

Superior High School has replaced its old mascot uniform and now the Pep Club is trying to come up with a name for the new addition.

Substitute teacher and Pep Club Advisor for Superior High School, Tamara Durovey, has been working with students over the past two years to replace the frumpy fur ball. Rumor has it the old mascot has been slinking around since the late 1990s.

“It is very worn out and very dirty. The fan in the head is broken and most of the fur is worn down and matted. Also, the inside of the head is torn and being held together with duct tape currently,” explained Durovey.

Recently retired Administrative Assistant, Ev Schultz, was also the former high school cheerleading coach back when they purchased the first bobcat mascot.

She recalled, “The girls worked cleaning the school buses during the summer to earn money for the squad. They got $400 for cleaning eight buses inside and out.”

Some of that money was used to buy the mascot which cost just under $700 in 1992.

Fundraising efforts started last year.

“When I took on the position of the pep club advisor after many years without one, I spoke with the students about what they wanted out of it, and we all brainstormed and decided a new mascot was a big priority," she said. "After all, the students would be the ones having to wear the old one and many of them weren't excited to do that.”

The pep club operates like a booster club for students.

“They make posters to spread school spirit around campus," Durovey detailed. "They also create the locker signs to recognize the student athletes and any students who are active in school clubs.”

After receiving a generous donation from a parent, the schools Pep Club was able to purchase the new bobcat from Team Dynamics. These suits are not cheap.

Durovey noted, “The mascot was $1,395, so it was a pretty big investment.”

Although they have the new cat currently on campus, Durovey said, “We are waiting to reveal it until a name has been selected.”

And that’s the next project for the Pep Club.

“We have a bin at the front office for suggestions and everyone is encouraged to participate—students, teachers, and community members," she said. "Just be sure to include your name on your suggestion.”

This initial naming process will go through Nov. 10.

“Then the pep club will read through all of the suggestions and choose their top three picks. The top three will then each have their own bins for final voting. It will be $1 to cast your vote, and you can vote as many times as you want,” said Durovey. The final day to vote will be Nov. 30.

Including the community in choosing the mascots new name is special way to help them feel vested in the school.

Durovey shared, “Being able to be involved with something like this is just a fun way to bring everyone together. We felt that the mascot having a name would make it more fun for everyone, including by creating more awareness to the pep club. This can be the pep club's big involvement, and I think that is a really important thing to create for them. There isn't a cheer squad at the school, so I think this will help give the pep club a more distinct identity.”

Over the years the old bobcat would be present at home games and parades.

Durovey stated, “Now that we have a nice new one, it will be more involved with everything. As long as a pep club member can volunteer to wear it, the community and students will start seeing a lot more of the mascot.”

“Everyone always gets excited to see the mascot walking around during games. I really think it is one of those fun things that can be recognized as a symbol of our school spirit and show how proud we are of all of our students and the hard work they do,” expressed Durovey.

The pep club has pom-poms, face tattoos, and boom sticks to purchase at upcoming home games. They will also be selling Krispy Kreme donuts after Christmas break.


Thirty years difference between these two bobcat mascots. (Mineral Independent/Amy Quinlivan)