Friday, February 14, 2025

Legals for November, 23 2022

| November 23, 2022 12:00 AM

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION SERVICES On behalf of the District XI Human Resource Council (HRC), the Town of Superior has received a federal Community Development Block Grant CARES (CDBG-CV) award in the amount of $259,310 from the Montana Department of Commerce (MDOC) for renovations to the HRC Superior Office located at 38 Mullan Road West, Superior, Montana for the construction and installation of a two-story accessible lift. The project is located at 38 Mullan Road West in Superior and the construction is planned to commence in the fall-winter of 2022. Contingent upon this award, the HRC is soliciting offerors of a statement of qualifications and Bid to Construct and install an accessible lift in compliance with all applicable requirements under the Montana CDBG-CV Program. Payment terms will be negotiated with the selected offeror. The construction costs will be paid with CDBG-CV funds. The services required to be provided will include, but not limited to: 1. Demolition and construction of the main level floor opening as required for the Lift in accordance with the contract document drawings. 2. Re-routing of duct around the floor opening. 3.Flooring demo on both floors as needed for the lift. 4.Supply and installation of lift in accordance with the contract document drawings. 5. Provide electrical power as required for the lift from lower-level electrical panels, in accordance with the contract document drawings. 6. Repair lower-level suspended ceiling tile and grid that is disturbed by construction. 7. Obtain all required building, electrical permits as required. 8.All work to comply with the codes listed on the construction documents 9. Clear all construction debris and clean area of work when finished.   10. Other related services deemed necessary by the Town or HRC. EEO and Compliance with Laws Consistent with the requirements of Section 3 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1968, CDBG regulations governing the grant require that, to the greatest extent feasible, opportunities for training, employment, and contracting arising in connection with this CDBGCV-assisted project will be extended to low-and very low-income individuals, especially those employed by Section 3 business concerns, participating in YouthBuild, living within the service area or the neighborhood of the project, or residing in public or Section 8-assisted housing.  Training and employment, as well as contracting opportunities are presented in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Opportunity Portal at Prospective trainees, employees, and contractors of HUD-assisted projects are encouraged to utilize this resource to identify opportunities. In addition, contractors are encouraged to register on HUD’s Section 3 Business Registry at if they meet HUD’s requirements for a Section 3 Business Concern. Registrants will receive targeted outreach for opportunities pertaining to assisted projects that are covered by Section 3. HUD regulations governing the grant also require that opportunities for contracting will be extended to minority, women-owned, and disadvantaged (DBE/MBE/WBE) businesses. DBE/MBE/WBE firms are encouraged to register on Montana’s DBE Registry at Registrants will receive targeted outreach for opportunities pertaining to assisted projects that are covered by DBE/MBE/WBE.   This solicitation is being offered in accordance with federal and state statutes governing procurement of professional services. Accordingly, HRC will follow all regulations, and as such reserves the right to negotiate an agreement based on fair and reasonable compensation for the scope of work and services proposed, as well as the right to reject any and all responses deemed unqualified, unsatisfactory, or inappropriate. For more information on these municipal regulations, please contact Robert Robinson AIA HRC Staff Architect, via e-mail to, by calling (406) 531-2993. Responses should include: 1.The firm’s legal name, address, and telephone number. 2. The principal(s) of the firm and their experience and qualifications. 3. The experience and qualifications of the staff to be assigned to project.     4. A description of the firm’s prior experience in a similar project 5. A description of the firm’s current work activities and how these would be coordinated with the project, as well as the firm’s anticipated availability during the term of the project; and  6.The proposed work plan and schedule for activities to be performed. Respondents will be evaluated according to the following factors: 1.The qualifications of the professional personnel to be assigned to the project - 15%; 2. The consultant’s capability to meet time and project budget requirements- 5%; 3. Location- 5%; 4. Present and projected workloads - 20%; 5. Related experience on similar projects -30%; 6. Recent and current work for the entity issuing the RFP - 20%;  7. Bid amount and overall quality of the responses - 5%.               The selection of finalists to be interviewed will be based on an evaluation of the written responses. The award will be made to the most qualified offeror whose proposal is deemed most advantageous to the project; all factors considered. Unsuccessful offerors will be notified as soon as possible. Questions and responses should be directed to Robert Robinson HRC Staff Architect, 1801 S. Higgins, Missoula, Montana, 59801 Phone 406-728-3710 (HRC) or 406-531-2993 (direct number). All responses must be postmarked no later than 11/29/2022 received at the above address by 2 P.M., or emailed to Please state “HRC Superior Lift Proposal” on the outside of the response package.  Respondents may obtain the CDBG-CV application and construction documents, which include a description of the proposed project including activities, budget, schedule, and other pertinent information by visiting the HRC Missoula Office or the Town of Superior offices during regular office hours. An electronic version may be obtained by submitting a request via e-mail to A copy of the application is also available for review at the offices of the Community Development Division, Montana Department of Commerce, 301 S. Park Avenue, P.O. Box 200523, Helena MT 59620-0523.  This solicitation is being offered in accordance with federal and state statutes governing procurement of professional services. Accordingly, the District XI Human Resource Council reserves the right to negotiate an agreement based on fair and reasonable compensation for the scope of work and services proposed, as well as the right to reject any and all responses deemed unqualified, unsatisfactory or inappropriate.  Published in the Mineral Independent on November 9, 16, 23, 2022. MNAXLP __________________________

Montana Fourth Judicial District Court Mineral County In the Matter of the Name Change of Sawyer Renae Galarneau Tristan Shelby Petitioner Cause No.: DV-2022-47 Dept. No.: 2 Notice of Hearing on Name Change This is notice that Petitioner, Tristan Shelby, has petitioned the District Court for a change of name for Sawyer Galarneau to Sawyer Renae Shelby. The District Court Judge will hear the Petition for Name Change on December 12, 2022 at 11:00 AM located in Mineral County Courthouse. Objections may be filed any time before the hearing by any person who can show good reason not to change the name. DATED this 4th day of November, 2022. /s/ J. Talbot J. Talbot Clerk of Court Published in the Mineral Independent on November 9, 16, 23, 30, 2022. MNAXLP __________________________

Blackfoot provides local phone and broadband services in many Montana communities at reasonable and affordable rates. A federal program designed to promote “universal service” to all areas of the nation makes affordable rates possible. Companies participating in this program are required to advertise theses services on an annual basis. As a participant in the universal service program, Blackfoot provides access to single line phone service, emergency services (911), directory assistance (411), operator services (0+), long distance limitation services, as well as broadband internet access services. For questions or to order new services please call Blackfoot’s customer care team at 406-541-5000 or visit us at Published in the Mineral Independent on November 16, 23, 2022. MNAXLP __________________________

Blackfoot provides local phone and broadband services in many Montana communities at reasonable and affordable rates. A federal program designed to promote “universal service” to all areas of the nation makes affordable rates possible. Companies participating in this program are required to advertise theses services on an annual basis. As a participant in the universal service program, Blackfoot provides access to single line phone service, emergency services (911), directory assistance (411), operator services (0+), long distance limitation services, as well as broadband internet access services. For questions or to order new services please call Blackfoot’s customer care team at 406-541-5000 or visit us at Published in the Cark Fork Valley Press on November 16, 23, 2022. MNAXLP __________________________

MINERAL COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PUBLIC HEARING FOR TARKIO ANNEXATION a PETITION FOR ANNEXATION TO THE SUPERIOR RURAL FIRE DISTRICT  December 16th, 2022 The hearing will be held at 10:00 AM in the Commissioners Conference room located in the Courthouse Annex, 300 River Street, Superior. PROPOSED AREA: 241 ACRES CONSISTING OF 3 PARCEL ID’S LOCATED IN THE TARKIO AREA AS LISTED.   54-2423-23-2-01-01-0000 54-2423-22-1-01-02-0000 54-2423-22-3-01-01-0000 EXCLUDING, however, The City Limits of the Incorporated Town of Superior, Montana; Interstate 90 right-of-way to include its boundaries within Mineral County, Montana; Montana Rail Link and all of its right-of-ways in Mineral County, Montana; all areas covered by the Alberton and Frenchtown Fire District and all public power and communication lines and their rights-of-way in Mineral County, Montana. If you have any questions, please contact Steve Temple at 406-822-4900, or send your comments by December 12th 2022 to PO Box 729 Superior Mt. 59872 Published in the Mineral Independent on November 23, 30, 2022.MNAXLP __________________________

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) The Town of Superior on behalf of District XI Human Resource Council (HRC), has been awarded a federal Community Development Block Grant CARES (CDBG-CV) in the amount of $259,310 by the Montana Department of Commerce (MDOC) for renovations to the HRC Superior Office located at 38 Mullan Rd. W., Superior, MT for construction and installation of a new HVAC system.         Contingent upon this award, HRC on behalf of the Town of Superior, is requesting proposals to design, construct and install an HVAC system in compliance with all applicable requirements under the Montana CDBG-CV Program. Payment terms will be negotiated with the selected offeror. The construction costs will be paid with CDBG-CV funds. Copies of the detailed request for proposals (RFP), including a description of the services to be provided by respondents, the minimum content of responses, and the factors to be used to evaluate the responses, can be obtained by contacting Robert Robinson, HRC Staff Architect, 1801 S. Higgins, Missoula, MT, 59801; Phone: 406-728-3710 (HRC) or 406-531-2993 (direct number) or Consistent with Section 3 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1968, CDBG regulations governing the grant require that, to the greatest extent feasible, opportunities for training and employment arising in connection with this CDBG-assisted project will be extended to local lower-income residents. Further, to the greatest extent feasible, business concerns located in or substantially owned by residents of the project area will be utilized. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises are encouraged to apply. All responses to the detailed RFP must be submitted by 12:00 p.m., 12/14/2022 to Robert Robinson, HRC Staff Architect, 1801 S. Higgins, Missoula, MT 59801 or emailed to Please state “HRC Superior HVAC Project” on the outside of the response package. Published in the Mineral Independent on November 23, 30 and December 7, 2022. MNAXLP __________________________