Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Legislative update

| November 30, 2022 12:00 AM

From Nov. 15-18, the Montana Legislature met for orientation. A review of that was in last week's paper dealing with the Senate leadership and House Democrat leadership, but not the full Republican leadership.

Matt Regier was voted in as the Speaker of the House, Sue Vinton was elected to her second term as Majority Leader, and Rhonda Knudsen was elected as Pro Tem. The Republican representatives then elected their party whips as a final vote of leadership. The six whip officers elected were, Brandon Ler, Jennifer Carlson, Terry Moore, Niel Duram, Steve Gist, and myself.

House Committee assignments were also made last week. Your local legislators assignments are as follows: Rep. Paul Fielder, House District 13 representative was placed on the Energy, Technology, and Federal Relations committee, the Fish, Wildlife, and Parks committee, the Rules committee, and Taxation committee. Representing House District 14, I was appointed to the Business and Labor committee, the Fish, Wildlife and Parks committee, and my third term as chairman of the Transportation Committee.

The 68th legislative session starts with being sworn in on January 2, 2023. Please do not hesitate to contact you legislators prior to and during the session. My contact information is cell phone 406-544-5220 and e-mail Denleylogehd14@gmail.com

— Rep. Denley M. Loge