Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Supports Terrill for Central District Commissioner

| October 5, 2022 12:00 AM

I am writing this letter to urge Mineral County Commissioners Roman Zylawy and Duane Simons to appoint Dawn Terrill to serve as the Central District Commissioner to finish out Laurie Johnston’s term.

Dawn has worked as Administrative Assistant for the Commissioners for the past four years, coordinating agendas, attending all meetings and recording minutes. She knows the job and understands what it requires.

Dawn is a self-educator; when she doesn’t know the answer to something, she does the research to find it. She knows the rules, regulations, and laws governing county government. She understands the budgeting process and recently assisted in updating policies for the employee’s handbook. As Human Resources Director, she understands the hierarchy and chain of command and she is fully versed in hiring and firing practices.

Dawn is also aware of the legal challenges that our county may face in the future and will be a good representative for the residents and taxpayers in any legal issue that may come before them.

Dawn is personable and presents herself well to the public; she also conducts herself in a professional manner at all times. I believe that she will listen to and consider all sides of each matter that is brought before the commission, before she makes a final decision. She has lived in Superior for many years and knows the people, the issues, and the challenges and plans on running for a full term at the next election.

She has the experience, the dedication, and the personality to perform the job well. I firmly believe that Dawn is the most qualified and best person for the job.

— Diane L. Magone