Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Trio of authors to speak at Mineral County Library

Mineral Independent | October 26, 2022 12:00 AM

Leslie Budewitz is a three-time Agatha Award winner and the best-selling author of the "Spice Shop" mysteries set in Seattle, and "Food Lovers’ Village" mysteries inspired by Bigfork, where she lives.

“She’s a lawyer from Seattle but she lives here now, and she writes cozies. She also writes under the name of Alicia Beckman,” recalls Guna Chaberek, Director of the Mineral County Library. “Cozies are mysteries with no bad language and usually have some weird pun in it like Dire Threads instead if Dire Threats,” explained Heather Miles, Library Aid. “I guess they’re less grim than regular mysteries. All different niches,” as she takes some the shelf. “This one is cats. This one is women who sew. Cozies are just very popular because they are clean.”

Chaberek continues. “Christine Carbo also lives up in that area. We have all of her books. And Gwen Florio we all know from her position at the Missoulian and before that, she was a correspondent in Afghanistan. She wrote a wonderful novel on Afghanistan that I thought was her best one. She’s also written mysteries. We have all of hers here to check out as well.”

These accomplished local authors will be at the Mineral County Library, 301 2nd Avenue East in Superior, Saturday, Nov. 19 at noon.

“All 3 authors are going to talk about their craft,” shared Florence Evans, Superior Branch Librarian. “They are going to talk about mystery writing and book writing in general and everything about it. Between the three of them they are also going to take questions during their talk and then at the end they’ll welcome extensive questions.”

Refreshments will be served at the end of the 90-minute talk and book purchases and signings will conclude an afternoon of inspiration for those considering writing books and a discussion of reading materials in general. For more information, call (406) 822-3563.