Friday, March 14, 2025

4-Hers show off their hard work at fair

by TRACY SCOTT Valley Press
| September 7, 2022 1:00 AM

Months of hard work and lots of love and care was on display this year at the Sanders County Fair.

Members of the Sanders County 4-H organization spent their spring and summer raising animals, from the smallest of rabbits to the largest of beef and dairy cows.

Many swine were entered in this years fair. Turkeys made an appearance after being absent from the competition for many years. Also this year, a lone snake was entered by John McNamara.

The Sanders County Fair’s opening day was filled with judging for Culinary Arts, Floriculture and Horticulture exhibits, and ending with the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) rodeo and the always popular mutton busting.

The stands were filled for Friday’s rodeo, with riders showing off their skills in bareback riding, steer wrestling and the final bull riding challenge.

Thursday evening bull riders were not able to stay on the eight seconds required, but the public saw some very impressive dismounts.

Saturday’s fair schedule was full of stock judging followed by the Western Montana Stockman’s Association heifer show.

Spectators lined Railroad Avenue in Plains to watch the Sanders County Fair parade with the children taking full advantage of the large amounts of candy being passed out.

Saturday afternoon singer/songwriter, Tanner Laws performed musical numbers from his latest album for the crowd.

During Sundays activities the 4-H awards were handed out, followed by the livestock sale. The Derby closed out the fair for the 2022 season.


4-H beef projects judges Terry Stephens and Bill Meadows at the Sanders County Fair. (Tracy Scott/Valley Press)


Youngsters show off their hard work at the Sanders County Fair. (Tracy Scott/Valley Press)