Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls

| September 7, 2022 12:00 AM


Wildland Fire, Thompson Peak, Forest Service responded.

VIN Inspection, Mullan Gulch Road, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Medical Assistance Required, Alder Street, Superior, Superior EMS responded.

Medical Assistance Required, Sunrise Creek Road, Superior, Deputy and Superior EMS responded.

Traffic Complaint, 4th Avenue, Superior, Deputy responded.

Lost Item Found, I-90 WB MM 47, Deputy responded, unable to locate.

One Way Transport, Superior EMS responded transported patient from Mineral Community Hospital to a Missoula County hospital.

Threat, Mullan Gulch Road, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Civil Service, Old Milwaukee Spur, Alberton, Deputy attempted to serve civil papers, negative contact.

Welfare Check, Frontage Road, Alberton, Deputy responded.

Assist Citizen, I-90 MM 75, Deputy responded.

Traffic Stop, Diamond Match Road, Superior, Deputy issued warnings.


Assist Outside Agency, I-90 WB MM 49, Deputies responded, suspect taken into custody and transported them to Mineral County Jail.

Traffic Complaint, I-90 EB MM 61, Transferred call to MHP.

Suspicious Activity, Railroad Avenue, Alberton, Deputy responded.

Suspicious Activity, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Deer vs Car, I-90 MM 37, Transferred call to MHP.

Traffic Control, Mullan Gulch Road, St. Regis, Deputy and St. Regis Units responded.

Computer Crime, Maple Street, Superior, Deputy responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 66, Transferred call to MHP, French Town Units responded.

Standby, Tiger Street, St. Regis, Superior EMS stood standby for homecoming.

Civil Service, Main Avenue, Superior, Deputy attempted civil service, papers served.

Lost Item Found, I-90 WB MM 47 Underpass, Deputy responded.

Assist Citizen, Main Street, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Standby, Tiger Street, St. Regis, Superior EMS stood standby for football game.

Medical Assistance Required, 2nd Avenue, Superior, Superior EMS and Superior QRU responded.

Traffic Stop, I-90 EB MM 43, Deputy issued citation for speeding and warning.

Intoxicated Driver, 4th Street, Superior, Deputy took suspect into custody and transported them to Mineral County Jail.

Elk vs Car, I-90 MM 70, Transferred call to MHP.

Medical Assistance Required, 2nd Avenue, Superior, Superior EMS and Superior QRU responded.

Civil Service, Fourmile Creek Road, St. Regis, Deputies attempted civil service, papers served.

Automated Alarm Call, Tiger Street, St. Regis, Deputies responded.

Traffic Stop, I-90 MM 33, Deputy completed traffic stop.


Bears in town, Railroad Avenue, Alberton, Transferred call to Fish and Game.

Traffic Complaint, I-90 WB MM 48, Deputies responded, one suspect taken into custody and transported them to Mineral County Jail.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 MM 12, Transferred call to MHP, Superior EMS and St. Regis Units responded.

Animal Complaint, I-90 WB MM 16, Transferred call to MHP.

Traffic Stop. I-90 WB MM 53, Deputy issued warning.

Civil Service, River Street, Superior, Deputy attempted civil service, papers served.

Traffic Complaint, I-90 EB MM 7, Transferred call to MHP.

Road Hazard, I-90 WB MM 22, Transferred call to MHP.

Return of Property, Mill Creek Road, St. Regis, Deputy attempted to return property, negative contact.

Civil Service, Mill Creek Road, St. Regis, Deputy attempted civil service, negative contact.

Civil Service, Larch Lane, St. Regis, Deputy attempted civil service, negative contact.

Civil Service, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy attempted civil service, papers served.

Civil Service, Old Milwaukee Spur, Alberton, Deputy attempted civil service, papers served.

Welfare Check, Frontage Road, Alberton, Deputy coroner, Deputy, and Frenchtown Units responded.

Suspicious Activity, Moose Trail, Alberton, Deputy responded.


Traffic Complaint, I-90 EB MM 47, Transferred call to MHP.

Animal Complaint, Sevenmile Creek Road, St. Regis, Transferred call to Fish and Game.

Car vs Deer, I-90 WB MM 45, Transferred call to MHP.

Suspicious Activity, I-90 EB MM 77, Transferred call to MHP.

Motor Vehicle Incident, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Transferred call to MHP, Superior EMS and St. Regis Units responded.

Fire, West Sloway Frontage Road, St. Regis, Superior EMS and St. Regis Units responded.

Abandoned Motor Vehicle, I-90 MM 4, Transferred call to MHP.

Partner and Family Member Assault, River Street, Alberton, Deputies responded, suspect taken into custody and transported to Mineral County Jail.

Animal Complaint, Adams Street, Alberton, Forest Service responded.

Road Hazard, I-90 WB MM 53, Transferred call to MHP.

Suspicious Activity, I-90 MM 32, Transferred call to MHP.

Road Hazard, I-90 MM 53, Deputy responded.

Traffic Stop, I-90 WB MM 52, Deputy issued warning.

Suspicious Activity, I-90 WB MM 38, Transferred call to MHP.

Motor Vehicle Incident, West DeBorgia Haugan Frontage Road, Haugan, Transferred call to MHP.

Assist Motorist, I-90 WB MM 40, Transferred call to MHP.

Traffic Complaint, I-90 WB MM 10, Transferred call to MHP.

Theft, Tiger Street, St. Regis, Deputy responded.


Medical Assistance Required, Adams Street, Alberton, Frenchtown Units responded.

Welfare Check, Main Street, St. Regis, Dispatch made contact and person was OK.

VIN Inspection, Terrace Court, Superior, Deputies responded.

Traffic Stop, I-90 WB MM 47, Deputy issued warning.

Road Hazard, I-90 EB MM 56, Transferred call to MHP.

Standby, Arizona Avenue, Superior, Superior EMS stood standby for football game.

Civil Service, Larch Lane, St. Regis, Deputy attempted civil service, negative contact.

Medical Assistance Required, Cold Creek Road, St. Regis, Deputies, Superior EMS, and St. Regis QRU responded.

Traffic Complaint, I-90 WB MM 26, Transferred call to MHP.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputies issued warning.

Traffic Stop, Southside Lane, St. Regis, Deputy issued warning.

Littering, I-90 MM 12, Transferred call to MHP.

Animal Complaint, Adams Street, Alberton, Transferred call to Fish and Game.


Automated Alarm Call, River Street, Superior, Deputy responded.

Traffic Complaint, I-90 WB MM 80, Transferred call to MHP.

Animal Complaint, I-90 EB MM 63, Transferred call to MHP.

Assist Outside Agency, Powerline Road, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Medical Assistance Required, I-90 MM 43, Superior EMS and Superior Fire/QRU responded.

Child Welfare Issue, 6th Street, Alberton, Deputies responded.

Child Custody Issue, River Street, Superior, Deputy responded.

Assist Motorist, I-90 WB MM 3, Transferred call to MHP.

Assist Motorist, I-90 EB MM 4, Transferred call to MHP.

Assist Outside Agency, Two Rivers Road, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Traffic Stop, I-90 WB MM 58, Deputies issued warning.