Monday, March 10, 2025

Seeking positive change

| December 13, 2023 12:00 AM

It is the epitome of irony that there are people more offended and outraged by certain behavior being exposed, than I am as a target of that bad behavior.

Sitting in the front row at a public fair board meeting was fascinating. There was outrage over the "betrayal" of a particular text going public – a message targeting me and two other women by name. The person went so far as to call it "disgusting" that the message was exposed. Suddenly, the fair board and the original message's author were cast as victims.

Maybe part of the outburst was a warning to others to avoid incurring her wrath. To me, it seemed like a blatant defense of the original author, who sat there complacently during the whole tirade. Meanwhile, I'm right there, witnessing this jaw-dropping display of human behavior.

Frankly, my interest in local government was moderate until this incident. After attending just one meeting and asking a simple question regarding the agenda, I, who had met the commissioners only once, was labeled as “the epitome of wicked.”

Now, I’m all in. I’m all about advocating for transparency and positive change. I’m asking questions. I’ll give credit where it’s due. I’m stepping up to volunteer, be involved and contribute to solutions.

I choose not to REACT. Rather, I choose my RESPONSES prayerfully and carefully.

I do not ask God to be a part of what I am doing. I ask to be a part of what HE is doing. Let His Light shine on all equally, exposing both good and poison fruit.

— Kelly Morrison, St. Regis