Monday, February 24, 2025

Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls

| March 22, 2023 12:00 AM


Welfare Check, Fourmile Creek Road, St. Regis, Deputies responded.

Assist Outside Agency, I-90 EB MM 43, Deputies responded.

Controlled Burn, Quartz Loop Road, Superior, Dispatch took information about a controlled burn.

Controlled Burn, Dry Creek Road, Superior, Dispatch took information about a controlled burn.

Animal Bite, Cougar Meadow Drive, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Theft, DeBorgia Street, DeBorgia, Deputy responded.


Medical Assistance Required, Alder Street, Superior, Superior EMS responded and transported the patient to a Missoula County hospital.

Civil Service, Alder Street, Superior, Deputy completed service, papers served.

Traffic Stop, Tiger Street, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Traffic Stop, Blackfoot Lane, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Traffic Stop, River Street, Superior, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Disturbance, 4th Street, Superior, Deputy responded.

Medical Assistance Required, Frontage Road, Alberton, Frenchtown Units responded.

Traffic Stop, Mullan Road, Superior, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Medical Assistance Required, Fish Creek Road, Alberton, Frenchtown Units responded.

Medical Assistance Required, Mullan Gulch Road, St. Regis, Deputies and Superior EMS responded.


Fire, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy and St. Regis Fire responded.

Medical Assistance Required/Coroner Call, Spruce Street, Superior, Deputy Coroner and Superior EMS responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 47 Off Ramp, Dispatch contacted tow company for assistance.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 27, West End Units responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, River Street, Superior, Deputy responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 46, MHP responded.

One Way Transport, Superior EMS responded transported patient from Mineral Community Hospital to a Missoula County hospital.

Motor Vehicle Incident, Quartz Road, Superior, Deputy and Superior EMS responded.

Assist Motorist, Spruce Street, Superior, Deputy responded.

Theft, Mullan Road, Superior, Deputy responded.

Assist Motorist, Spruce Street, Superior, Deputies responded.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Traffic Stop, Old Highway 10, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Assist Motorist, Chinatown Loop, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Traffic Stop, I-90 MM 33, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Traffic Stop, Mullan Gulch Road, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Traffic Stop, Old Highway 10, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.


Medical Assistance Required, Old Highway 10, St. Regis, Deputy, Superior EMS and St. Regis Units responded.

Civil Service, 6th Street, Superior, Deputy completed service, papers served.

Disturbance, 6th Street, Superior, Deputy responded.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Disturbance, 4th Avenue, Superior, Deputy responded.

Traffic Stop, Mullan Road, Superior, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Medical Assistance required, Dry Creek Road, Superior, Deputy, Superior EMS and Superior QRU responded.

Disturbance, Spruce Street, Superior, Deputies responded, took one into custody and transported them to Mineral County Jail.

Traffic Stop, Mullan Road, Superior, Deputy completed traffic stop.


Suspicious Activity, Mullan Gulch Road, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 64, Frenchtown Units responded.

Weapon Offense, Mill Creek Road, St. Regis, Deputy responded, took one into custody and transported them to Mineral County Jail.

Medical Assistance Required, West DeBorgia Haugan Road, Haugan, Superior EMS and West End Units responded.

Animal, Quartz Creek Campground, Dispatch contacted person on salvage list who went and retrieved the downed cow elk.

Suspicious Activity, DeBorgia Haugan Frontage Road, DeBorgia, Deputies responded.

Traffic Stop, South Frontage Road, Alberton, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Animal, I-90 EB MM 50, Forest Service responded and picked up the downed bird.

Road Hazard, I-90 WB MM 13, West End Units and MDOT responded.


Road Hazard, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, MDOT responded.

Mental Health Issue, Little Joe Road, St. Regis, Deputies responded.

Assist Outside Agency, I-90 EB MM 45, Deputies responded.

Civil Issue, Southside Road, Superior, Deputies responded.

One Way Transport, Superior EMS responded transported patient from Mineral Community Hospital to a Missoula County hospital.

Welfare Check, 5th Avenue, Superior, Deputies responded.


Civil Issue, Mullan Road, Superior, Deputy responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 22, Superior EMS and St. Regis Units responded.

Abandoned Motor Vehicle, Camels Hump Road, St. Regis, Deputies responded, had vehicle towed.

Assist Outside Agency, I-90 WB MM 40, Deputies responded.

Fire, I-90 WB MM 55, Superior EMS responded, confirmed controlled burn.