Friday, March 14, 2025

Legals for March, 29 2023

| March 29, 2023 12:00 AM

Kate and Russell Cleveland PO Box 691 Saint Regis, MT 59866 720-780-4895 Petitioner appearing without a lawyer MONTANA 4th JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, MINERAL COUNTY In the Matter of the Guardianship of “Child” Jamie Lee Kearbey Kate Jeannine Cleveland Russell Tyler Cleveland Petitioner Case No: DG-2023-2 Notice of hearing on Guardianship of a Minor Child This is notice that Petitioner has asked to become the guardian of a minor child. The hearing will be on 4/14/2023 at 10:00 a.m. The hearing will be at the Courthouse in Mineral County. Date: March 7, 2023  Jaime Talbot Clerk of Court By: J Talbot Clerk of Court Published in the Mineral Independent on March 15, 22, 29, 2023. MNAXLP __________________________

NOTICE OF SALE Case No.: DV-31-2022-0000040-FO Lewis N. Stoddard, Bar No. 60723896 Halliday, Watkins & Mann, P.C. 300 W. Main Street, Suite 150 Boise, ID 83702 Phone: 801-355-2886 Facsimile: 801-328-9714 Attorney for Plaintiff HWM File Number: MT10530 MONTANA FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT - MINERAL COUNTY NewRez LLC d/b/a Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing, Plaintiff, v. Unknown Heirs and Devisees of the Estate of Julian C. Rodriquez; and Unknown Parties in possession of or with an interest in the real property commonly known as: 122 Pardee Creek Road, Superior, MT 59872, Defendants. Under and by virtue of a Writ of Execution issued in the above-entitled action on December 15, 2022, I am commanded to sell at public auction all of Defendants’ rights and interest to the below described property: Lot 1-A, Amended Plat Pardee Acres a platted subdivision in Mineral County, Montana, according to the official recorded plat thereof, as recorded in the Township Plat Book at Page 57A and amended by an Affidavit of Correction as recorded in Drawer 2 of Miscellaneous Real Estate, Card No. 5198, record of Mineral County, Montana. With a property address of: 122 Pardee Creek Road, Superior, MT 59872 Notice is hereby given that on April 28, 2023 at 3:00 PM on the front steps of the Mineral County Courthouse, 300 River St., Superior, MT 59872 the above-described property will be sold to the highest bidder to satisfy Plaintiff`s judgment, with interest and costs. Sheriff/Deputy Sheriff of Mineral County, State of Montana **WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND ANYONE INTERESTED IN BIDDING ON ANY PROPERTY NOTICED FOR SALE RESEARCH THE OWNERSHIP OF THE PROPERTY THOROUGHLY PRIOR TO BIDDING** Published in the Mineral Independent on March 22, 29, & April 5, 2023. MNAXLP __________________________

NOTICE FOR PUBLIC HEARING On Monday, April 10, 2023, at 6:30 pm, the Town of Superior will hold a public hearing at 105 Cedar Street in Superior. The purpose of the public hearing is to obtain public comments regarding a proposed grant application to the Montana Department of Transportation’s Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) to fund the Town’s Sidewalk Improvements project. At the hearing, the proposed project will be explained, including the need for the project, the benefit to public safety and accessibility, the project area, the proposed scope of work, the estimated budget, and how it would improve Superior’s pedestrian facilities. All interested persons can ask questions and express their opinions regarding this proposed project. Comments may be given verbally at the hearing or submitted in writing before 5:00 pm Monday, April 10, 2023. Anyone who would like more information or who wants to submit questions or comments should contact Clerk Brenda Schneider at the Town of Superior, (406) 822-4672 Roni K. Phillips, Mayor Published in the Mineral Independent on March 29 and April 5, 2023. MNAXLP __________________________