Thursday, February 27, 2025

Wrestleballers defend Superior dodgeball championship

| March 29, 2023 12:00 AM

Dodge, duck, dip, dive, dodge.

The annual Superior High School BPA Dodgeball Tournament was held on March 16. This popular and entertaining fundraiser event featured seven different teams. Pitting upperclassmen against lower. St. Regis versus Superior. Teachers were at odds with students. Brothers threw balls at sisters, and even some parents had a chance to eliminate their kids during the four-minute-long matches.

Teams consisted of six players, vying for six colorful balls lined up at the midcourt line. Rules were simple, don't cross over the barrier, no headshots, and if you block a ball and drop yours you're out. The fast-paced games worked through a round-robin bracket with two staff teams; Staff Infection, and the Variants. Student teams consisted of The Wrestleballers, The Senior Gal's, The Dodge Brothers, The Bucket Ballers, and the

Ultimately the singlet-clad dodgeball team of senior wrestlers, the Wrestleballers defended their championship title for a second year in a row, beating the Staff Infection team. Superior's BPA chapter will be using the funds raised from the dodgeball teams' entrance fees for their upcoming trip to the Nationals Competition in Anaheim California in May.