Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls

| May 10, 2023 12:00 AM


Welfare Check, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

VIN Inspection, Capper Lane, Superior, Deputy responded.

Civil Issue, Timber Creek, Haugan, Deputy responded.

Traffic Stop, I-90 EB MM 43, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Traffic Stop, I-90 MM 59, Deputy took one into custody and transported them to Mineral County Jail for DUI.

Traffic Stop, I-90 MM 40, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Fie, I-90 WB MM 43, Superior Fire advised it is a controlled burn.

Medical Assistance Required, Railroad Avenue, Alberton, Frenchtown Units responded.


Civil Issue, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Dispatch advised reporting party that they need to speak to their park manager.

Animal Complaint, Shaw Gulch Road, Superior, Deputy responded.

Disturbance, 4th Avenue, Superior, Deputy and Superior EMS responded.

Protection Order Violation, River Street, Superior, Deputy responded.

Traffic Stop, Mullan Road, Superior, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Trespass, Chicago Avenue, Superior, Deputy responded.

Assist Outside Agency, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Superior EMS and St. Regis Units responded.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Traffic Stop, Tiger Street, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Traffic Stop, I-90 MM 34, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Traffic Stop, I-90 MM 25, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Traffic Stop, I-90 MM 74, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Traffic Stop, I-90 EB MM 42. Deputy completed traffic stop.


Coroner, Mill Creek Road, St. Regis, Deputy Coroner and Superior EMS responded.

Fire, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, St. Regis Units responded.

VIN Inspection, Capper Lane, Superior, Deputy responded.

VIN Inspection, Little Joe Creek Road, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Welfare Check, I-90 WB MM 30, Superior EMS and St. Regis Units responded.

Officer Advice, Tiger Street, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Threats, 3rd Avenue, Superior, Deputy responded.

Trespass, Daigle Lane, Alberton, Deputy responded.

VIN Inspection, Montana Avenue, Superior, Deputy responded.

Trespass, Mullan Gulch Road, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Fire, Mullan Gulch Road, St. Regis, St. Regis Fire responded advised it is a controlled burn.

Protection Order Violation, River Street, Superior, Deputy responded.

Medical Assistance Required, Trestle Creek Drive, St. Regis, Deputy and Superior EMS responded.

Civil Attempt, Red Hill Road, St. Regis, Deputy completed civil service, papers served.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Medical Assistance Required, Arizona Avenue, Superior, Superior EMS responded.

Child Custody Issue, 2nd Street, Alberton, Deputy responded.

Traffic Stop, 4th Avenue, Superior, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Traffic Stop, Arizona Avenue, Superior, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Assist Motorist, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Officer Flag Down, Riverside Avenue, Superior, Deputy responded.

Traffic Stop, Southside Xing, Superior, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Traffic Complaint, I-90 MM 47, Deputy responded.


Medical Assistance Required, 4th Avenue, Superior, Superior EMS responded.

Officer Advice, 3rd Avenue, Superior, Deputy responded.

Controlled Burn, Cedar Creek Road, Superior, Dispatch took information about a controlled burn.

Welfare Check, Mullan Road, Superior, Deputy responded.

Fire, Diamond Match Road, Superior, Deputy and Superior Fire responded.

Smoke, Cold Creek Road, St. Regis, St. Regis Fire responded, unable to locate.

Civil Issue, Railroad Avenue, Alberton, Deputy responded.

Theft, Hillside Lane, DeBorgia, Deputy responded.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Disturbance, Railroad Avenue, Alberton, Deputy responded.

Traffic Stop, Railroad Avenue, Alberton, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Welfare Check, Fish Creek Road, Alberton, Deputy responded.


Medical Assistance Required, Pine Street, Superior, Superior EMS responded.

Controlled Burn, Twelvemile Creek Road, St. Regis, Dispatch took information about a controlled burn.

Fire, Diamond Match Road, Superior, Superior Fire responded.

Controlled Burn, DeBorgia Street, DeBorgia, Dispatch took information about a controlled burn.

Animal Complaint, I-90 MM 32, Deputy responded.

Assist Citizen, River Street, Superior, Deputy responded.

Animal Complaint, Old Highway 10, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Officer Advice, River Street, Superior, Deputy responded.

Medical Assistance Required, Mullan Gulch Road, St. Regis, Superior EMS and St. Regis Units responded.

Wildland Fire, Spirit Walk Lane, Superior, Superior Fire and Forest Service Responded.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Theft, Little Joe Creek Road, St. Regis, Deputies responded.

Suspicious Activity, Railroad Turn Road, St. Regis, Deputies responded.

Suspicious Activity, I-90 WB MM 66, Deputies responded.


Disturbance, Peters Flats Road, Superior, Deputies responded.

Controlled Burn, Tamarack Creek Road, St. Regis, Dispatch took information about a controlled burn.

Medical Assistance Required, Pine Street, Superior, Superior EMS responded.

Threat, Mullan Road, Superior, Deputy responded.

Civil Attempt, Whitetail Drive, Haugan, Deputy attempted civil service, negative contact.

Officer Advice, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Medical Assistance Required, Railroad Avenue, Alberton, Frenchtown Units responded.

Medical Assistance Required, 2nd Avenue, Superior, Superior EMS and Superior QRU responded.

Suspicious Activity, Cold River Road, St. Regis, Deputy took one into custody and transported them to Mineral County Jail.

Protection Order Violation, Peters Flats Road, Superior, Deputies took one into custody and transported them to Mineral County Jail.

Vehicle Fire, I-90 WB MM 61, Superior Units and St. Regis Units responded.

Medical Assistance Required, Mountain Drive, Alberton, Frenchtown Units responded.


Disturbance, C Street, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Controlled Burn, Tamarack Creek Road, St. Regis, Dispatch took information about a controlled burn.

Juvenile Crime, Railroad Avenue, Alberton, Deputy responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, Railroad Avenue, Alberton, Deputy responded.

Medical Assistance Required, Sunnyside Lane, Superior, Superior EMS responded.

Assist Outside Agency, Tami Drive, Superior, Deputies responded.

Welfare Check, Railroad Avenue, Alberton, Deputy responded.

Civil Standby, Peters Flats Road, Superior, Deputy responded.

One Way Transport, Superior EMS responded transported patient from Mineral Community Hospital to a Missoula County hospital.

Civil Issue, Twin Creek Road, DeBorgia, Deputy responded.

Traffic Stop, River Street, Superior, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Suspicious Activity, Pike Street, Superior, Deputies responded.

Traffic Complaint, Pine Street, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Harassment, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputies responded.

Traffic Stop, Mullan Gulch, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Traffic Stop, Mullan Gulch, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Open Door, Lobo Loop, St. Regis, Deputies responded.

Traffic Stop, Lobo Loop, St. Regis, Deputies took one into custody and transported them to Mineral County Jail.


Medical Assistance Required, Main Street, St. Regis, Superior EMS responded.

Body Found, Mullan Road, Superior, Deputy Coroner, Deputies, and Superior Fire responded.

Suspicious Activity, Cabin City Loop, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Traffic Stop, I-90 MM 30, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Disturbance, Fairview Drive, St. Regis, Deputies responded and took one into custody and transported them to Mineral County Jail.

Traffic Complaint, Main Street, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Controlled Burn, I-90 MM 61, Dispatch took information about Superior Fire doing a controlled burn.

Traffic Stop, Mullan Gulch, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Traffic Stop, I-90 MM 34, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Traffic Stop, I-90 MM 40, Deputies completed traffic stop.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Traffic Stop, Mullan Gulch, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Fire, Mullan Road, Superior, Superior Fire responded.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.