Thursday, March 06, 2025

Spotlight on the Arts: Enet Barajas

by Karen Thorson PARADISE CENTER
| October 18, 2023 12:00 AM

“Spotlight on the Arts” by The Paradise Center honors and encourages students in the arts by highlighting their talent and acknowledging the support they receive through their schools and teachers.

When a young artist says she sees something that inspires her to capture it artistically in order to share with others, you know her creativity is dynamic. That is exactly what Enet Barajas says inspires her art. At 10 years of age and in the fifth grade at Thompson Falls Elementary School, she is both an artist and an athlete.

Her artistic side is reflected in drawing and painting, using both colored pencils, watercolor and acrylic paint. Subject matter includes people, clothes, and abstract design. She began doing art at three years of age. She is fortunate to have family members who are artistic as well, and who encourage and support her artistic growth. Her stepmother is an accomplished artist, and her brother is actively developing his skills. She notes her whole family is artistically inclined.

But art is not all she does. She is an avid soccer player and that represents an important balance between physical skills and artistic ability. That balance presumably implies an equilibrium between quick reaction on the soccer field and thoughtfulness in the art room.

An interesting part of her artistic interest involves subject matter. As already mentioned, she likes to depict people and clothes, indicating a realistic or naturalistic approach. She indicates that she likes to sketch and then fill in her drawings with color. But another aspect of her art is that she likes design, indicating an ability to be abstract with her work. Again, she can achieve an important balance, this time between two very different styles.

When asked what advice she would give aspiring young artists, she admits that art may be hard at the beginning, but practice and innovation can lead to amazing results. She plans to take art classes in the future to discover new media and expand her abilities.

Currently, she really likes her artistic response a recent assignment – Your Favorite Things. The resulting artwork is a combination of design as a background and a montage of individual images added in a creative arrangement. Taken together, the finished work is a lovely representation of Enet Barajas. This young artist will do well in the future.