Thursday, February 13, 2025

Spotlight on the Arts: Emmie Tucker

by Kristen Cole Plains Schools Art Teacher
| October 25, 2023 12:00 AM

“Spotlight on the Arts” by The Paradise Center honors and encourages students in the arts by highlighting their talent and acknowledging the support they receive through their schools and teachers.

Emmie Tucker celebrated her 13th birthday in September. She in the 7th grade at Plains Junior High and is an art student of Mrs. Kristen Cole. She began her artistic journey at the age of 10 by drawing eyes and lips. She comments that she is now best at drawing lips.

She was influenced and inspired in art by her cousin, Maya, whom she says is two years older and “really good at art.” Although she personally favors use of pencil/graphite, because she feels she can achieve more realistic images, she also incorporates some color with colored pencils and markers. As an addition to her work, she saw some artwork online that had a “glare,” which she found useful in the artist’s expression. To add that effect to her own work, she now incorporates whiteout.

In addition to time in art class, Tucker also draws about 5 hours a day, creating several pieces of art, each in about 30 minutes. This dedication of time is because she finds artistic work enjoyable and engaging for her imagination. Like many artists, she has a special place to do her work – her porch – which she finds a quiet environment that enables her creativity to be to be most effective. Regarding her own artwork, her personal favorite is colored drawing she did of lips in a rainbow. She was able to make the lips look real and that was personally rewarding to her.

Tucker advises others interested in art to do whatever is enjoyable and to have fun. She believes the more someone creates artwork, the greater their ability to develop their own personal style. In her own work, she strives for a realistic result.

Like many artists, Tucker comes from an artistic family. She recalls a couple of creations by her brothers that she particularly admires. One was a dragon created by her brother, Brady. Another was a depiction of a band member created by her brother, Isaac.

She names two people who are her biggest supporters in art. One is Mrs. Cole, her art teacher.

Tucker remembers taking a class with Mrs. Cole as part of an art camp in the 5th grade and creating art with clay. The second is her stepfather who is a cartoonist and does paintings on skulls.

As for the future, Tucker aspires to draw a whole figure. She hopes to one day have artwork in a museum! She will decide on what role art will play in her future after she completes college.