Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Tester's attacks on veteran-run business are shameful

by Tim Sheehy
| August 21, 2024 12:00 AM

Bridger Aerospace started with four veterans in a barn in Montana. Our next mission became using battlefield technology to serve Americans at home.

It was risky. We had zero business experience, but we had grit, our military experience and supportive family, friends and fellow veterans. We certainly made mistakes — find me a small business that hasn’t. But we pushed forward, and the results for Montana speak for themselves. 

Over nine years, our veteran management team built a business ecosystem that created hundreds of new Montana jobs, generated over half a billion dollars in value, constructed over $60 million in Montana facilities, generated over $400 million of revenue for Montana and performed life-saving services for American wildland firefighters, warfighters and communities. 

And let’s not forget the dozens of successful careers created for veterans or millions of dollars donated to charitable causes in Montana. 

The story of Bridger and Ascent Vision Technologies, the businesses built by our management team of veterans, is a Montana success story, and we’re proud of it. 

Successful, veteran-led businesses should be celebrated. Right? Well, not according to Sen. Jon Tester and his allies. 

Tester thinks businesses creating jobs is “the problem.” And his liberal media conspirators, most notably The Washington Post and NBC “News,” have worked to create a false narrative to attack Bridger’s hardworking people, smear the reputations of our veteran founders and label us a “failed business.” 

For political theatre, they are trying to damage our dedicated employees’ reputations and mission. The wildfire community lost four brave aerial firefighters in the line of duty recently — it’s a dangerous job being made tougher by Tester and his allies’ despicable attacks. 

While Tester drove up costs for Montanans by voting for trillions of dollars in reckless Biden-Harris spending, we were growing businesses, investing in a local workforce and creating Montana jobs. 

Bridger generated an over 88% compounded annual growth rate from 2019 to midpoint of its 2024 guidance range. In the last year, it expanded its fleet globally, grew its local footprint massively and shared the success with its employees through generous equity grants. 

This should be celebrated, but Tester is another career politician who will do anything to stay in office. Even if that means attacking Montana veterans and businesses.

Tester knows he can’t run on his failed record, so he spreads lies instead. Tester attacks my military record, because he doesn’t have one. 

Tester attacks the business I founded, because he’s never built one. 

Tester attacks my character, because he doesn’t know what it means to put your life on the line for others in the name of duty and country. 

It’s shameful. Tester and his liberal allies will push any pathetic campaign of lies to remain in power. 

I’m proud my wife and I served and fought overseas protecting our freedoms. I’m proud to have created Montana jobs. 

I'm proud to fly water bombers to protect our communities and public lands from wildfires. 

I’m proud to have founded a veteran-led cattle ranch where we raise, finish and process beef 100% in Montana. 

And I’m proud of what I’ve earned with my veteran team because it means I can’t ever be bought.  

More lies in ads and bogus headlines are coming, but the real story is this: Montana’s senior U.S. senator is trying to destroy a veteran-run Montana business that provides hundreds of Montana jobs, financial and job security for its employees and their families, brings investment capital to the state of Montana and provides a critical service fighting wildfires. 

Tester’s actions should concern every Montanan. 

Tim Sheehy is the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Montana. He lives in Bozeman.