Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Planning underway for Plains Beautification Day

by TRACY SCOTT Valley Press
| August 28, 2024 12:00 AM

Plains Beautification Day committee members Lana Dickens, Deborah Warren, Mary Helliwell and Anita Marsh met Wednesday evening to start planning for the Fall Beautification Day scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 21 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

This beautification day will focus on yard cleanup like mowing, branch removal and weed removal. 

Appliances, tires and bulky items will not be accepted for the fall event. 

Committee members will be easier to identify during the day with each wearing a special beautification day T-shirt.

For those interested in volunteering or receiving help for the day can go to the Town of Plains website and click on residents, click on Plains Beautification Day. 

Committee member Anita Marsh said, “Many hands make for light work.” 

Space for a burn pile will be available on town property by the fire hall.

Committee members will be going door to door looking for projects and volunteers. They will also be at the Senior Center on Sep. 4 and 6 to sign up those who need help cleaning up their yard before winter sets in.

Posters will be displayed around town each with QR codes for signing up to help and to be helped.

Committee members are looking for donations for the following items: drinking water, cleaning materials, work gloves, trash bags, food for the workers, lawn care equipment (only equipment they feel comfortable using). For those that would like to donate cash can drop it off at the Plains City Hall office.

As of Monday, the only youth group that had signed up to help is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, led by Youth Leader Ronda Leeper. Committee member Dickens said they would like to see more church groups volunteer. 

Dicken said, “We can always use young backs.”

Homeowners will be required to be present for cleanup crews to work on their property.

Those that are interested in volunteering for the cleanup committee can call Deborah Warren Century 21 Big Sky Real Estate office 406-544-5971.