Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Plains students cut loose at annual Brain Bash

by TRACY SCOTT Valley Press
| January 3, 2024 12:00 AM

What is up with dancing, indoor golf, online Jeopardy and students playing cornhole during school hours?

Why, it's the third annual Brain Bash at Plains.

The brainchild of teacher Kati Mitchell and the Business Essentials Class. Brain Bash gives the students an exciting start to their holiday break. 

“We do this because kids are mentally done by the last day and because it gives them something fun to do before Christmas. It also is a tradition just like homecoming,” Mitchell said.

Sixteen teachers came up with interesting activities, approved by the school’s business class. They were designed to challenge the skills of each student, ranging from English teacher Mike Tatum with his golf challenge, to the tag-team teachers Kristen Cole and Tanna Klammer in their guess-the-gift activity. Teacher Jackie Deery’s dance activity tested each student’s ability to cut loose in front of their fellow students.

Students were separated into 15 different teams that were named after Christmas movies and were graded on their performances as teams. First place was a $5 gift certificate to Bean Bug. Second place was one free homework pass for any class, and third place was a candy bar.

One of the highlights of Brain Bash was the results of a dare challenge between music teacher Loren Lauridson and student Keegan Huffman. The dare challenge was to wear a maid’s costume during Brain Bash, and winner was Huffman who graciously spent the day as a maid.

“It was 100% a success," Mitchell said. "The kids had a blast as well as all the teachers involved in the activities.” 

When Mitchell was asked if she thought the teachers had as much fun as the students she said, “I do because I asked every team if they are having a blast. The consensus was 'yes.'” 

Taking top honors for the most points was the Elf team. Members of that group were Mackenzie Tulloch, Rilee Key, Jay Flanagan, Ashton Riek, Matthew Thurston, Greg Tatum, Cheyenne Little Whirlwind, Grayson Ridders, Layla Alexander. 

The second-place team was the Christmas Chronicles, and third place was the Nutcrackers.

    Jack Frost team member Emelia Rivinius takes a turn as a sticky dart target. (Tracy Scott/Valley Press)
 Tracy Scott 

    Art teacher Kristen Cole helps Bryon Lakko figure out what is the gift that is hiding in a box. (Tracy Scott/Valley Press)
 Tracy Scott 

    Jackie Deery oversees the dance studio during Brain Bash. (Tracy Scott/Valley Press)
 Tracy Scott