Friday, March 14, 2025

Young outlasts Old in student-staff hoops battle

by TRACY SCOTT Valley Press
| June 5, 2024 12:00 AM

Players came together Friday evening for the fifth annual Plains staff versus students basketball game. However, looking up at the scoreboard, the teams were appropriately called the Old and Young.

A flurry of three pointers showed how equal the talent was on both sides during the first few minutes of the game. Experience of the Old team members quickly became apparent as the nothing-but-net shots quickly added up. The identical twin Meredith brothers were a boost to the team. Luckily, they had different colored shorts on, which made the refs' job a bit easier.

During the first half of this hotly contested game, it was apparent that the Old team's maturity and skill levels gave them the edge. The spread of the score quickly grew. 

At first, Young team members seemed to have no game plan as the point spread continued to rise. Eventually, thought, Young team members Caleb Lakko, foreign exchange student Pablo Hernandez and Darren Standefora started making buckets.

The first half ended with the Old team ahead. It was time to rest for the Old team members, who quickly made a beeline for the chairs. During the intermission, game announcer Randy Garrison pulled out his 50/50 halftime cash drawing bucket. Garrison called on volunteer Grayson Blood, to pick the winning ticket. Crystal Dringle took a cash prize of $735. She donated $235 back to the school’s baseball program.

The second half got underway with the Young team members showing off the spit and vinegar of their youth. The Old guy’s first half performance of racing down the full length of the court for a basket became more of a throw the ball the full length of the court hoping someone on the team was down there to catch it. The Old teams was getting tired and slowing down. The oldest of the Old was JJ Blood. a graduate from the last century. 

At the end of the game Old team member Allen commented, “At least I wasn’t injured.”

The point spread slowly closed during the last half. 

Allen continued with, “The oldest of the Old players sat down the last five minutes of the game. We left the floor with the lead.” 

It was at this time the Old guys lost all hope when the young forged ahead during the last two minutes of the game ending with a score of Old, 92, Young, 97.

    Randy Garrison picks Grayson Blood out of the crowd to pull a name out of the bucket for the winner of the 50-50 drawing. (Tracy Scott/Valley Press)
    Young team member Ava Lawyer goes up for a shot. (Tracy Scott/Valley Press)
    Young team member Darren Standefora celebrates after hitting a three-pointer. (Tracy Scott/Valley Press)
    The Young team kneeling, with the Old team standing. (Tracy Scott/Valley Press)