Thursday, March 06, 2025

Outdoor briefs

| March 6, 2024 12:00 AM

Otter trapping closes

By order of the Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission, the trapping of all otters will close in Region 2 the evening of Tuesday, March 5.

The otter quotas in this region have been met. For more information, visit FWP's website at to check the current quota status, or call the toll-free number at 1-800-385-7826.

Review of fishing regs

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks will host public meetings in each region to gather input for the 2025-26 fishing regulations.  

Fishing regulations are now under a process like hunting regulations, going through a comprehensive public review every two years. Fishing regulations are printed during odd numbered years.  

FWP’s proposed regulation changes will be posted online later this month. FWP will also accept and review fishing regulations changes proposed by the public during the initial review time period.  

Staff will use this public input to refine regulation proposals to the Fish and Wildlife Commission. The final fishing regulations proposals will be available for public comment in August, and the commission will adopt, modify or reject the proposals at its October meeting. 

The meeting schedule is as follows:

Region 1: March 19, 6 p.m., Kalispell, 490 North Meridian Road 

Region 2: April 10, 6:30 p.m., Missoula, 201 Spurgin Road 

Miller Creek restoration

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is seeking public comment on several draft environmental assessments (EA) related to grant funding for the Future Fisheries and Community Ponds programs.

FWP is proposing to fund a stream restoration project on Miller Creek (near Lolo) through the FFIP. 

This project would build upon 2 miles of stream restoration in Miller Creek and diversify the channel plan form and realign it away from eroding banks, add grade and elevation controls to increase floodplain connectivity, use large wood/debris matrix structures to increase instream habitat complexity, and employ large scale riparian planting to facilitate recovery of the riparian community. 

The goals are to reduce sediment delivery to the stream, promote riparian recovery, increase floodplain connectivity, and increase habitat complexity to improve fish habitat.