Friday, March 14, 2025

Theatrical couple open Montana tour in Superior

Mineral Independent | March 6, 2024 12:00 AM

Over 50 attendees enjoyed dinner and dancing from Nic & Desi on Thursday evening in the multipurpose room of Superior High School.

It was the only Mineral County Performing Arts Council performance that charged admission, but it came with roasted pork loin, mashed potatoes and gravy, baby carrots, cauliflower a tossed salad, and many desserts to choose from. 

Jim Goss, MCPAC Treasurer and master of ceremonies for the evening, welcomed the guests and shared the remainder of the upcoming performances scheduled for the year before introducing the evening’s entertainment, Nic & Desi. 

Following starring performances on Broadway and numerous nationally and internationally touring musicals, theatrical couple Nicolas Dromard and Desiree’ Davar produced a high-energy show of song and dance of their love of classical musicals with a modern twist. Engaging with the audience (to catch their breath) about midway, they shared a little about their lives before and after they were married seven years ago. 

Their 5-year-old daughter stays with Desi’s parents in southern California when they tour, but they take their 12-year-old Italian greyhound, Stella, with them for her medical needs. 

Nic was diagnosed with tongue cancer last summer and had major surgery in October not knowing if his accomplished voice would be saved. But it was only after removing part of his tongue and nymphonids throughout his neck. Ask him, and he’ll show you his hangman’s noose scar stretching from ear to ear. 

Born in Ottawa, Canada, French is his first language yet he has no accent. 

Desi grew up in New Jersey where her mother had a dance studio which is where she spent her preschool childhood. This move to California was recent for the family of three as Desi missed having family nearby after her parents moved to warmer climates years ago. 

They performed at the Montana Performing Arts Consortium last year in Fort Benton where several rural areas booked them and Superior was their first stop on this tour after completing one along the highline last fall. Brett Rowe is a professional pianist from the Chicago area that accompanies them when the performances call for a larger venue, but Thursday he sat with the duo and shared audio suggestions afterwards at dinner following their performance from being in the crowd.

For MCPAC, their next performance will be on Wednesday, May 23 at 7 p.m. in the LDS church in Superior, where Hannah Jackson plays her indie/folk music. She is an up-and-coming songwriter and singer playing multiple instruments, plus, she has a local connection to our communities!