Sunday, March 23, 2025

Junior Rodeo Princess applications open

Mineral Independent | May 22, 2024 12:00 AM

The rodeo at the Mineral County Fair began 42 years ago and was a huge community project with the Superior Lions leading the charge. 

A few years later, it became the Go for the Gold Rodeo with an ounce of gold added to the purse each year if a cowboy or cowgirl didn’t win, as there were certain conditions. The price of gold has skyrocketed since then and changes have been made, but the purse still grows as only one person has been the winner. 

The rodeo remains a huge part of the fair and the Superior Lions remain as the stewards organizing almost every aspect yearly and one of their favorite parts is announcing the Rodeo Junior Princess. This is a three-year process because the following year, the junior princess becomes the rodeo princess and in the third year she becomes the rodeo queen.

The competition for the Junior Rodeo Princess is open to all Mineral County young women between the ages of 13 and 20, who have been a resident of the county for at least 6 months. Applicants must show evidence of involvement in community service and will be tested on horsemanship skills and knowledge.

The winning candidate for Junior Rodeo Princess will receive $ 50 cash and a custom handmade sash from world renowned sash maker Wendy Russ. This year's Rodeo Queen, Lanie Crabb, will receive a $200 check. Rodeo Princes Rainier Acker will receive a check for $150 and both the queen and the princess will receive genuine silver crowns, made by Montana Silversmiths, donated by Lincolns $50,000 Silver Dollar Bar. 

The deadline to apply for Superior Lions Rodeo Junior Princess is Wednesday, June 19, 2024. Applications can be picked up at the following locations: Darlows Quality Foods in Superior plus, Alberton, Superior and St. Regis High Schools.

 All entrants must attend a riding night at the Superior Fair Grounds to demonstrate a level of riding skills for both horse and rider. A member of the Superior Lions Club will notify you of the time and date. Entrants must have experience with horses (4-H, horse shows, horsemanship, rodeo, etc.) and will ride in the parade and during the rodeo events during the Mineral County Fair (Aug. 1-3). This means the Junior Rodeo Princess must attend both days of the Superior Lions Rodeo and appear at community events, if requested. A wallet sized picture of the applicant to be used in media promotion is required with the application.

 For questions or for more information, call Shawn Heyer, (406) 241-3678.