Sunday, October 20, 2024

Author explores Montana's bucket list ideas

Mineral Independent | May 29, 2024 12:00 AM

The title of the book is "100 Things to Do in Montana Before You Die," but the authors’ speaking engagements are called "101 Things to Do in Montana Before You Die."

There must be a bonus if you attend her talk and that opportunity is Thursday, June 6. 

The Mineral County Library, at 301 2nd Ave. E. in Superior, is hosting Susie Wall to speak about her book and how she chose her 100, or 101, choices for the paperback. 

“Audiences will learn a little more about me, about the book, and my process of writing it, like how hard it was to narrow the list down to just 100 things,” she admits. “I’ll also share some fun stories from the road and photographs from my travels last year while researching the book. What I truly hope is that everyone that attends will come away with at least one or two new things they want to do in Montana.” 

Wall shares some of her history with journalism. 

“This is my first book, but I’ve written dozens of articles for both print and online publications over the years. Many of those articles focus on travel in Montana and the northwest, and many have been published in statewide publications like Montana Outdoors, Montana Quarterly and Distinctly Montana. I’m also a regular contributor to Missoula Valley Lifestyle.”

She was born in Oklahoma and also lived in Florida and Colorado. 

“My husband and I moved to Montana in 2007 after searching for a forever home, and now I couldn’t dream of living anywhere else. We're all so lucky to call Montana home,” Wall beams. 

Bucket list books are fun and make for interesting reading, but some ideas on the lists are just too much when it comes to age, budget, and courage. For example: Swim the Great Barrier Reef, or visit the new Seven Wonders of the World (what’s wrong with the original 7?), or skip on the Great Wall of China.

Dialing it down to what Wall suggests might be what more people can imagine doing.  

“I learned about Reedy Press (my publisher) and their "100 Things to Do Before You Die" guidebooks a few years ago from a travel writer friend of mine. I noticed that Reedy Press hadn't published a guidebook for Montana and I knew immediately that I was just the writer for the job, since exploring Montana is a passion of mine,” she shared. “Getting this assignment was a dream come true. In turn, I hope to inspire everyone who reads the book, whether you're just visiting or have lived here your entire life, to visit our historical sites, support our small local businesses, and discover the many ways to play in our gorgeous landscapes.” 

Weather permitting, Thursday, June 6 at 2 p.m. on the lawn or in the library itself, is your opportunity to meet the author and hear her suggestions on 100, or 101, things to do in the Big Sky Country.