Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Field burn offers firefighters a chance to train

Mineral Independent | October 23, 2024 12:00 AM

A recent planned burn in Tarkio on Jim and Mary Jo Lommen’s property was considered a a win-win.

The Lommens contacted the Tarkio Fire Department with their plan to burn a field to kill the weeds as they have plans to use it next spring. The 17 acres is too large to safely control with a couple of garden hoses so Tarkio Fire Chief Josh Pecora had his team and a few firefighters from the Superior Volunteer Fire Department on hand with personnel and water tenders to surround and control the fire activity. 

Tarkio Fire is under the umbrella of Superior Volunteer Fire using a leased building near Round Mountain until their own building is constructed. 

“Superior Volunteer Fire uses these controlled burns as real-world training,” Pecora shared. “On this particular fire one of our junior firefighters and two of our newest members that reside in Tarkio were able to work with three of our seasoned volunteers. For our two new members this was the first time they got to experience ‘fighting a fire’ in real time. I believe that having training like this helps us find our strengths and weaknesses, giving me ideas on how to train better. As an officer, it also helps me determine the tactics we will use on future fires and what jobs I will assign people to when we have an emergency situation.”   

 Building structures offer training opportunities as well and Pecora said they welcome requests for assistance. 

“During open burning it is possible to have members of SVFD (Tarkio station and Superior station) bring out fire apparatus and equipment to assist with burning. However, because we are volunteer if we don't have enough members available, we may not be able to assist.”

Pecora stated that a month notice is appreciated so that they can plan accordingly and set a date far enough out to hopefully have volunteers.  Email Pecora at

Open burning season is underway and burn permits can be obtained online.