Sunday, March 09, 2025

Orthopedic surgeon joins Clark Fork Valley Hospital

by Valley Press
| February 5, 2025 12:00 AM

Clark Fork Valley Hosptial last month welcomed new orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Gregg Schellack.

Schellack joins CFVH after working at Bridger Orthopedics in Dillion, where he grew up. As a medical provider who was born and raised in Montana, he understands the Montana mindset and especially that of a rural community. No matter where his travels or career have taken him, working in and serving a small Montana community has always been the ultimate goal. 

He completed his undergrad at Montana State University and later went on to medical school at Des Moines University in Iowa. Although he originally thought Family Practice would be his career path, the diversity in orthopedics is what really drew him to the field. “No case is the same and there are always different ways to do a procedure,” Schellack explained. 

“We are excited to have Dr. Schellack join our team of dedicated medical providers. He has a passion to assure rural communities have excellent orthopedic care readily available, and brings years of experience to fulfill that mission,” shared Dr. Gregory Hanson, CFVH President/CEO. 

Schellack has provided orthopedic care to patients at a vast number of healthcare facilities and organizations around the country and abroad, including Level 1 and Level 2 Trauma Centers, Naval Hospitals, Orthopedic Practices and Critical Access Hospitals. He served in the US Navy and received several honors and awards for his leadership and service. 

Knee and hip replacements, as well as rotator cuff tears, tend to get a lot of attention in the field of orthopedics but Schellack has had diverse training and experiences that allow him to treat a number of injuries and conditions and help patients achieve a better quality of life.  

“Smaller health care facilities have built in accountability,” Schellack explained. “I am working alongside people who are caring for their friends and family and that makes the outcomes of my procedures even more critical. Caring for Grandma and Grandpa and knowing your fellow staff feel confident in their referrals to you holds a lot of weight and I want to make sure I offer them the best care possible. Another surgeon may do a procedure 15 minutes faster, but I will always spend the time I feel is necessary to get it right.” 

Lisa Eberhardt, Chief Nursing Officer touched on his wonderful sense of community when commenting on Schellack. 

“It’s obvious, he puts his patients at the center of all of his decisions and all along their care continuum. We are lucky to have his expertise here at CFVH and are looking forward to working with him to serve our patients and community.”  

People have a lot of choices when it comes to orthopedic care and sometimes they may feel like a larger facility offers more, but Schellack endorsed the team at CFVH. He listed several individuals by name and expressed his enthusiasm to be working alongside them. He touted what a great surgical staff CFVH had, many of which had vested many years at the organization, were fully engaged and took great pride in what they do. 

When Schellack isn’t working at the hospital, you may see him out and about fishing, golfing or on the slopes skiing. 

“I like to think of myself as an opportunist.” he explained. “I try and take advantage of what each place has to offer, wherever I am.” 

Schellack also has a passion for motorcycles, dirt bikes and road bikes alike and has a collection of them he is proud of and enjoys working on and riding in his spare time. 

Consultations with Dr. Schellack are now being scheduled at Plains Family Medicine with a provider referral. Please call 406-826-4810 to make an appointment.  

Learn more about Dr. Schellack and Orthopedic Services offered at CFVH at