Idaho company wins bid for demolition derby
After multiple attempts to secure a contract for the 2025 Sanders County Fair Demolition Derby, the Sanders County Fair Commission has approved a new derby contract.
Two sealed bids were submitted for consideration. The first bid was from 406 (FOS) Promotions, based in Three Forks. This was their third attempt to win the contract. Their initial bid, submitted in January, was for $71,000. However, this proposal was withdrawn after the recent appointment of new commission member Rick Sanders.
406 (FOS) Promotions then submitted a second bid for $95,000, which exceeded the $80,000 limit set by the state without requiring a bidding process.
Their third attempt kept the bid at $95,000.
Tim Denson, the owner of 406 Promotions, was not present during the bid opening meeting.
County Commissioner John Holland expressed dissatisfaction with the increased bid.
“I wasn’t impressed by that,” Holland said, suggesting the county was being overcharged.
The second bid opened during the evening meeting came from Hit Hard or Go Home Motorsports, a company based in Pinehurst, Idaho. Tim O’Brien, the company’s owner, submitted a bid for $71,000. O’Brien, who was present at the meeting, has been promoting demolition derbies for over 10 years and has been involved in the sport for more than 25 years, having started his derby career in Plains.
Fair Commission Chair Randy Woods asked O’Brien, “We have been working with Tim (406 Promotions) for a while, we know about Tim. Can you tell us a little bit about you and what you have done, what your experiences have been putting shows on. What kind of show are you going to put on for us?”
O’Brien shared details about the various derbies he had promoted over the years. Woods, noting that the commission did not want to compromise on the derby’s quality, asked for more details.
O’Brien discussed potential additions for future years if the commission was satisfied with the 2025 derby. These included ideas for a Powder Puff Derby and possibly a truck derby event.
For the 2025 event, O’Brien planned to have only two classes of races: Class 1 and Class 2. Class 2 typically attracts the most entries. O’Brien emphasized that this year’s prize money would be the highest Sanders County has ever seen. He explained that Class 1 cars have a more basic build and cost, while Class 2 cars are slightly more complex.
“The other reason I like Class 1 and 2 is they bend a lot better. The crowd likes to see bent cars,” O’Brien commented.
“Plains has always been known for its derby. We want it to be the biggest and best demo derby,” Woods continued. “If Tim O’Brien puts on a show, I guess, we try it one year and if he does a great show, we bring him back.”
The commission voted to approve Hit Hard or Go Home Motorsports for the 2025 derby, with the exception of Commissioner Brian Crain, who voted against the motion. Crain explained that he preferred working with someone with whom he was familiar.