Monday, March 03, 2025

Amateur radio hobbyists tune in at winter field day

Mineral Independent | January 29, 2025 12:00 AM

Amateur radio, or ham radio, has been a popular hobby throughout the years as well as an important service that brings people, electronics and communication together.

People are able to use ham radio to talk across town, around the world, or even into space, all without internet or cellphones. You can communicate from the top of a mountain, the comfort of home or behind the wheel of your car, you can take radio wherever you go. This intriguing hobby is not only a fun way of socializing, but it can also be a lifeline during times of need. 

Ham operators get involved for lots of reasons, but to start they need a basic knowledge of radio technology and operating principles and pass an examination a Federal Communications Commission examination to receive a license to operate on radio frequencies known as the amateur bands. These bands are radio frequencies assigned by the FCC for use by ham radio operators. In 2022, it was reported that there were approximately 700,000 licensed U.S. ham operators and nearly 3,000,000 hams worldwide.

One local ham radio enthusiast, Lyle Holyoak, is taking his passion for long distance communications and is in the process of forming a club, based out of the St. Regis Senior Center. 

“With approximately 50 amateur radio operators in Mineral County, I have been wanting to have a radio club here in the county as the nearest clubs are outside the county with the closest clubs meeting in Missoula or Plains," he said.

Holyoak is the current president of the Clark Fork Valley Amateur Radio Club in Plains. He and his family have been volunteering at the St Regis Senior Center, and they came up with the idea of utilizing their conference room for group meetings.  

“Right now, we are just a loose club with no formal organization,” explained Holyoak. “That will change as we get a few others involved and decide how we want to organize. I don't want it to be Lyle's radio club. I want it to be a club where I can come and have fun with radio, but also help others have fun with radio.”

His goal is for the monthly get togethers are to encompass all aspects of amateur radio. 

Holyoak said, “If there is an interest in a group that wants to do emergency communications, great. If there is a group that wants to build kits and put antennas together, great. If there is a group that wants to get together and activate or chase parks or summits, great.”

Holyoak slowly tuned into ham radio over many years, but dating back to when you could wander around a Radio Shack. 

“I remember entering a science fair in junior high with a friend where we built an AM radio and transmitter out of a couple of the Radio Shack kits," he said. "At that time, I did not pursue amateur radio as a hobby, though I was aware that an uncle was licensed as an amateur radio operator.”

Later as an adult, Holyoak’s youngest son was about 6 years old and wanted to be an inventor. 

He shared, “We spent some time learning together about Arduino and other electronics. In 2016, one of my co-workers had mentioned that he got a hand-held amateur radio and was going to learn how to use it. I decided that I would also buy a handheld then.”

Without a ham mentor, Holyoak purchased the ARRL Technician license book for the basic license. 

“In reading about ham radio, I learned there are three classes of licenses - technician, central and then amateur extra with extra class license having the most transmitting privileges but also requiring the most knowledge,"
 he said. "I read through the Technician license manual cover to cover.”

When he felt confident with the material, he searched for the nearest exam session location. 

Holyoak remembered, “I drove 100 miles one way to take the exam in Pocatello, Idaho. I passed the technician exam in May 2017 and received my initial call sign of KI7NSZ. I decided to continue learning about amateur radio and followed the same study regimen for general class license, though by this time I had found a radio club based in Idaho Falls, Idaho. I passed the general exam in November 2017. Through meeting and associating with people through a couple radio clubs, I continued my quest for knowledge.”  

Mostly people use ham radio to form friendships over the air or through participation in one of more than 2000 amateur radio clubs throughout the country. But also, in times of disaster, when modern communications networks fail, hams can swing into action assisting emergency communications efforts and working with public service agencies. That’s why field days are a crucial practice time for ham operators to test their skills. Amateur radio service played a key role during the 9/11 tragedy in New York City, and also during the rescue efforts of Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana.  

Holyoak expressed, “The amateur radio hobby is a contact sport - literally. This contact may be in person, on the web, or over the air. There are contests most weekends for getting on the air and making contacts with others near and far.” The Winter Field Day is considered one of those competitions.

Amazingly, he described, “It is possible for an amateur radio operator to even talk with someone on the International Space Station. There are also other opportunities to get on the air away from home stations with programs such as Summits on the Air (SOTA) or Parks on the Air (POTA) which allow you to operate your radio from specified parks or summits.”  

Hams often build their own radios and antenna structures to find out what works best for them personally to communicate around the globe. 

Holyoak added, “For someone who has the desire to learn about radios there is plenty to learn and I admit I do not know everything there is to know about the hobby. Have a desire and find someone to help. We call these helpers, Elmers.”

The Amateur Radio Relay League sponsors a field day the fourth full weekend of June and the Winter Field Day Association sponsors field day on the fourth full weekend of January. The St. Regis Senior Center helped host this outdoor Winter Field Day this past weekend on Jan. 26.  

“These days are opportunities to practice making contacts in less-than-ideal circumstances, oftentimes using emergency power rather than commercial power," Holyoak said. "Many radio operators from around the world participate in these events in locations that can vary from Emergency Operations Centers (EOC's), to parks or camp sites.” 

During these field days, radio clubs are able to prove to the public that it isn't just law enforcement and firefighters that operate radio equipment. 

“Many of the field day locations also give an opportunity for the general public to learn more about ham radio and may even have a station setup for non-licensed people to participate with on-air communications,” said Holyoak. 

Though he’s been licensed for eight years, this was only his second Winter Field Day.  

In today's modern and fast paced technologically driven society, people find it hard to believe there are some places and circumstances that these electronic conveniences won’t work.

Holyoak implored, “Ham radio is a great skill to learn as it teaches you how to communicate in circumstances like this. Oftentimes amateur radio operators are able to set up and maintain communications that we can check up on our neighbors as well as help the firefighters and law enforcement officers.” 

“Radio operators act as liaisons to help bridge the gap. They are called upon to man Red Cross shelters and to ride with officers to relay communications to other operators in emergency operations centers,” he explained. 

And though it’s been around for decades, radio is also evolving. 

Holyoak noted, “It used to be that everyone used AM radio or morse code. Amateur radio operators can now use AM, FM, CW (morse code), Upper or Lower Side Band (only half the AM signal without the carrier signal) or digital radio modes using various modulation techniques.” 

Holyoak has more than six handheld radios and a few mobile/base stations. Some of these are used for digital voice, others use analog voice and one or three are used for the higher frequencies to allow longer distance communications. 

He said, “I don't use them all at the same time though there has been a time or two where I have had two to three radios on listening to different radio nets. Most radio nets I check into are designed to practice emergency communication.”  

Some radio operators contact their friends to “rag chew,” just simply chat. Others want to make contacts with someone in each state, county, or even certain distances away. Sometimes HAMs chase grid squares, or small geographic areas. 

Holyoak confessed, “I do not feel I use my radios enough. One of my goals for 2025 is to put the local repeaters to better use and be more “radioactive” as in active on the radio. I choose whichever radio suits my desire to make the contact whether local or distance.”

In May 2017 Holyoak received his initial call sign of KI7NSZI. Call signs are assigned randomly by the FCC. But certain call signs can be retired, cancelled. Holyoak wanted a shorter one so he was given his new call sign AG3Y in April 2021. 

“I have been part of several radio groups over the years and it is amazing to have met and to have made new friends with each group,” remarked Holyoak. “It is also fun to be on the air and then to finally be able to put a face to the voice you keep hearing as you associate with others.”

The amateur radio club through the St. Regis Senior Center held its first meeting in November and by word-of-mouth publicity they had five in attendance. The monthly gatherings are for everyone to enjoy. 

Holyoak continued, “Though we meet at the St Regis Senior Center, Amateur radio is for all ages. There are many HAMs that get licensed when they are young and continue the hobby throughout their lives.” 

When amateur radio operators pass away, they become what is known as silent keys. 

He described, “Usually at this time during a radio net where, the silent key is honored with a moment of silence on the air as it is entirely possible that you may only recognize them by their voice or call sign having never met the individual. But it is through the amateur radio hobby that many people establish friendships that last a lifetime.”

The next Ham Radio group meeting will be held on Feb. 18, at 7 p.m. in the conference room at the St. Regis Senior Center. Come and see for yourself the special connections and knowledge to be gained through amateur radio. 73 - which is ham code for “best regards.”

    The Winter Field Day for Ham Radios was held on a chilly but beautiful blue bird Sunday afternoon this past weekend. (Mineral Independent/Amy Quinlivan)