Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Legals for March, 19 2025

| March 19, 2025 12:00 AM

Michelle Marie Borden  P.O. Box 1835  Thompson Falls, MT. 59873  (406)-529-2132  Petitioner Pro Se  In the 20th Judicial District Court of Sanders County,  State of Montana  Cause No DP-25-05  Dept No Dept 1  Notice to Heirs and Devisees  In the Matter of the Estate of  James Martin Borden  (name of person who died)  Deceased  To all interested persons  On January 28th, 2025 I was appointed personal representative as requested in the application for the informal probate of this estate I am serving Without Bond  The papers relating to the estate are on file with the Sanders County Probate Court located at 1111 Main Street Thompson Falls, MT.  Attached is a copy of the will which was admitted to probate and under which I will administer, manage and distribute the estate.  The court does not supervise the personal representative in the administration of an estate except in limited circumstances.  If I was appointed informally, you or another interested person may petition the court objecting to my appointment and /or demanding that I post a bond or an additional bond. The petition must be filed with the probate court along with the applicable fee. Unless the court grants the petition, I will continue to serve as appointed.  You or another interested person may petition for a hearing by the court on any matter at any time during the administration of the estate, including for distribution of assets and allowance of expenses of administration. The petition must be filed with the probate court along with the applicable fee.  If you continue to be an interested person (such as an heir of an estate or devisee or beneficiary under the will of the decedent), I will provide you with:  1) a copy of the inventory within 9 months of my appointment  2) unless waived by you, a copy of an account including fiduciary fees and attorney fees charged to the estate, within 2 years of my appointment; and  3) a copy of the closing statement or settlement petition when the estate is ready for closing.  8. The estate may not be closed earlier than 5 months after the date of my appointment except in limited circumstances.    Date 1/28/2025  Michelle Marie Borden  Personal Representative   Published in The Clark fork Valley Press on March 5,12 & 19, 2025 MNAXLP __________________________

NOTICE OF WATER RATE ADJUSTMENT AND PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on March 4, 2025, the Town Council (the “Council”)of the Town of Alberton, Montana (the “Town”), adopted a Resolution of Intention of the Townof Alberton, Montana to Establish a Water Base Rate Formula for Multiple Dwelling Unit Structures. The Council adopted Resolution No. 336 on December 3, 2024 that increased the monthly Base Rate for the use or availability of the water system of the Town (the “System) to $30 per connection. Effective as of the May 2025 billing, the Town proposes to adjust the Base Rate only for multiple dwelling structures that are served by the System as set forth below: The following rates based on the formula below are proposed to apply to allmultiple dwelling structures, using the number of units (2 or over) as a multiplying factor in this formula. The examples shown below are not an exhaustive list of unit options, andthey do not include water usage, which will continue to be charged in the manner described in Resolution No. 336. The multiple dwelling structure base rate (the “MDSBase Rate”) would be payable monthly. 2 Units: 2 (units) X 0.85 = 1.70 X $30 (Current Base Rate) = $51.00 MDS Base Rate 3 Units: 3 (units) X 0.85 = 2.55 X $30 (Current Base Rate) = $76.50 MDS Base Rate 4 Units: 4 (units) X 0.85 = 3.40 X $30 (Current Base Rate) = $102.00 MDS Base Rate 10 Units: 10 (units) X 0.85 = 8.50 X $30 (Current Base Rate) = $255.00 MDS Base Rate An increase of 0.85 is added to the multiplier of 1.70 used for a 2-unit multiple dwelling structure for each unit in addition to 2 units. Thus, for illustrative purposes only, amultiple dwelling structure of 5 units would be charged an MDS Base Rate of $127.50 (4.25 X $30) per month. The portion of the monthly charge for water service consisting of the Monthly Base Usage Amount continues in effect and is not proposed to be adjusted. The Base Rate for only multiple dwelling structures is proposed to be established at the MDS Base Rate. For a user of the System that has a multiple dwelling structure consisting of 4 units served by one connection, the Base Rate currently in effect would increase from $30 to $102, which represents an increase of approximately 240%. The Base Rate for users of the System that do not have a multiple dwelling structure will remain at $30 per month per connection. A public hearing on the rate increase will be held on Tuesday, April 1, 2025, commencing at 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center located at 701 Railroad Ave. in Alberton, Montana. Further information about the proposed rate increase may be obtained by contactingNancy Tome, Town Clerk-Treasurer, Town of Alberton, 607 Railroad Ave., Alberton, MT59820, or by telephone at (406) 722-3404. Done by Order of the Town Council of the Town of Alberton, Montana, this 4th day of March, 2025. Published in The Mineral Independent on March 12, March 19, and March 26, 2025 MNAXLP __________________________

NOTICE TO WATER USERS CLARK FORK RIVER BETWEEN THE BLACKFOOT RIVER AND FLATHEAD RIVER BASIN 76M The Water Court has extended the deadline to file objections in Basin 76M Clark Fork River between the Blackfoot River and Flathead River - Preliminary Decree from April 7, 2025 to July 7, 2025. This is the first extension and it applies to everyone within Basin 76M. If you have questions, please call the Montana Water Court at 1-800-624-3270 or 1-406-586-4364. Published in the Mineral Independent on March 19, 26, 2025 & April 2, 2025 MNAXLP __________________________

Lindy M. Lauder Michael Klepperich CROWLEY FLECK PLLP 101 E Front Street, Suite 301 PO BOX 7099 Missoula, MT 59807-7099 Telephone: (406) 523-3600 Email: Attorneys for Newtek Small Business Finance, LLC MONTANA FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, MINERAL COUNTY __________________________ NEWTEK SMALL BUSINESS FINANCE, LLC, Plaintiff, Vs. ACME SAW & SUPPLY, INC. a California corporation; LODGEPOLE, a California corporation; LEE A. HOSKINS; ASHLEIGH A. HOSKINS; LAFAYETTE FEDERAL CREDIT UNION; WEBFUNDER LLC; and NORTHPOINT COMMERCIAL FINANCE LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. Cause No: DV-31-2024-0000037-FO District Judge: Hon. Robert L. Deschamps NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY TO BE SOLD, at a Sheriff’s Sale on the 17 day of April 2025, at 1:00 o’clock p.m. in the lobby of the MINERAL COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 300 RIVER STREET, SUPERIOR, MT 59872, pursuant to the Default Judgment, Decree of Foreclosure, and Order of Sale entered in this proceeding, that certain real property located in Mineral County, Montana, which is described as follows (the “Real Property”): LOT 39 OF TRESTLE CREEK II SUBDIVISION, A PLATTED SUBDIVISION IN MINERAL COUNTY, MONTANA, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL RECORDED PLAT THEREOF. PARCEL ID: 54-2744-31-2-02-39-0000 The Real Property is sold with all appurtenances, hereditaments, tenements, including all water rights, gas, oil, other hydrocarbons, and geothermal rights thereunto belonging or used in connection therewith. March DATED this 14 day of February, 2025. By: Ryan Funke, Mineral County Sheriff SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN before me this By Ryan Funke, Mineral County Sheriff March 14 day of February, 2025, by Wayne Cashman in his/her capacity as Sheriff of Mineral County, Montana TAMERA CLEMTS NOTARY PUBLIC for the STATE OF MONTANA Residing in Superior, Montana My Commission Expires March 15, 2026 Published in the Mineral Independent on March 19, 26, 2025 & April 2, 2025 MNAXLP __________________________