Pep Club to organize local blood drives
After organizing blood drives for the American Red Cross for 22 years, Mary Jo Berry is passing the torch as an attempt to catch her breath and possibly slowdown on her community involvement.
But it didn’t take long to find a community spirited organization to snatch it up.
“The Red Cross in Missoula contacted Kate (DiGiando, 7th-12th grade Administrative Secretary) to see if any of the school clubs wanted to take it over, and the Pep Club is always looking for something interesting, so we grabbed it,” said Superior Pep Club Advisor, Tamara Durovey.
Durovey, herself, has been a blood and platelets donor so with the kids wanting to take on the responsibility of organizing the blood drives, it meant an awful lot to her. They held their first drive on Wednesday, March 12, and had all 30 slots booked before the donation day arrived. There is no money exchanged so this isn’t a fund raiser for the Superior Pep Club.
“The kids will get volunteer hours for it,” Durovey explained.
Those volunteer hours add up over the course of their time at school and are used for scholarship applications besides building pride in personal accomplishments and community service.
At the end of their first blood drive, everyone was happy with the results.
“We did have all slots filled but there were a few no shows from the community and then all donors weren’t able to donate after their physical. There are several things that can affect your eligibility which include low weight, high heart rate, things like that,” she explained. “We were able to collect 21 units of blood which exceeded our goal of 19. Seventeen high school students participated, which I’m super proud of, and we had 5 staff members donate too.”
Donors can be as young as 16 years of age.
“16-and 17-year-olds just need a permission slip signed by their parents and then anyone over 18 is good to go,” Durovey said. “Drink plenty of water and make sure you have had a full meal before registering and complete the questionnaire. It asks about your health with about 100 questions so donors know the entire process takes about an hour as we have you sit in our waiting area and have some snacks once you are done.”
Even before the Pep Club became sponsors, blood drawings were conducted in the Superior High School multi-purpose room. The Red Cross has teams of 3 staff set up for each donor location/bed. There have been 3 beds and there is consideration from the Red Cross of adding a 4th team making 40 beds available from this point.
“That would allow us to move from 30 slots to 40. And I know we can handle that because today was mostly kids and first-time donors and this county has many who give on a regular basis that we need to contact.”
“This is just something for our ‘give back’ events,” smiled Angie Gray, 7th-12th Grade Principal. “Our kids and teachers have really rallied to fill all the spots today!” Blood donations will be held every eight weeks as May 8th is on the calendar from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. It’s not too soon to register at