Letters to the Editor
Want to read a letter to the editor of Clark Fork Valley Press or Mineral Independent? See below to view their letters.
Heroics from St. Regis firefighters
I want to call attention to the actions of volunteer firefighter Clint Wolff with the St. Regis Fire Department.
Loge a Republican in name only
The Missoula County Republican Central Committee (MCRCC), a local organization affiliated with the Montana Republican Party, hereby censures Sen. Denley Loge (SD 45) for his actions in opposition to the tenets of o…
Legislative update from Sen. Loge
This past week in the Legislature has been the busiest yet.
Homestead bill will provide tax relief
During my campaign to be your state representative last year, I promised to seek solutions to our affordable housing crisis and skyrocking property taxes. These problems have hit rural western Montana especially ha…
Superintendent evaluation
The January board meeting of the Trustees of the Plains School District was a packed house of parents, taxpayers, and community members with concerns.
Pause on federal funding impacts local services
The Montana Community Action Network (MCAN) represents the 10 Community Action agencies who carry out programs aimed to help Montanans experiencing economic hardships, including the elderly and disabled.
The legislative process
We have completed week three of the legislative session with bills on the move in both houses.
Loge stands ground on rules debate
Greetings from Helena. While being new to the Senate, I am a more senior legislator. I've spent my life clearing paths, literally plowing snow on our highways, mending fences on the ranch, logging and attending imp…
The case for prescribed fire
As forest research shows, the Rocky Mountain region’s natural history reveals a pattern of fire occurrence extending from time immemorial, meaning before human memory, with drastic curtailment in the early 1900s wh…
I’m honored to serve; here’s my mission
Montana, earning the chance to serve you as your next U.S. Senator is truly the greatest honor of my life. To those who voted for me, thank you. To those who did not, I’m ready to serve you too. In the military, I …
Thanks to all who have supported MCCF
First, I’d like to thank the many volunteers and donors to an organization I’ve been involved in for over thirty years, the Mineral County Community Foundation (MCCF).
Teacher talk: 'What is the best thing about being a teacher?'
Superior schoolteachers share “What is the best thing about being a teacher?”
Elena Evans for PSC
We are retired Montanans living in all seven counties within District 4 of the Public Service Commission. Most of us are on fixed incomes. Some of us are Republicans and some are Democrats. But all of us are voting…
Tranel represents the Biden-Harris economic failures
It’s the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Judge endorses Wilson for Supreme Court justice
It is a common refrain that voters know little to nothing about judicial candidates. It is for this reason that I am sharing my experiences with Judge Dan Wilson, candidate for the Montana Supreme Court.