Sunday, February 09, 2025
<p>Back left to right: Banks Stocking, Travis Tammaro, Jordan Eichert, Middle left to right: Bradley Fitchett, Brent Wilson, Johny Carter, Neal Jopling, Austin Tucker, Brandon Piazzola, Tyler Piazzola. Front left to right: Oliver Grupenhoff, Tanner Tammaro, Colton Kardokus.</p>

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Red Devils unlikely journey comes to a close at state
March 8, 2012 11:35 a.m.

Red Devils unlikely journey comes to a close at state

Last year at the end of a 7-22 season, Noxon head coach Mike Tessier said next year the team would go on a major run. With only two graduating seniors, he had good reason to be optimistic. When Noxon lost their opening game of the divisional round, nobody would have predicted the type of run Mike Tessier and his team would have.