Saturday, February 22, 2025
<p>Nancy Smith, LCSW, LAC, MHP, from Choices for Change Counseling recently held “Responsible Choices Town Meeting on Under-Aged Drinking and Using.” She showed how addiction comes in many different forms, including drugs, alcohol, gambling, and even chocolate.</p>

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Learning to choose wisely Workshop highlights drug abuse facing Mineral County
September 13, 2016 11:17 a.m.

Learning to choose wisely Workshop highlights drug abuse facing Mineral County

Addiction comes in many different forms, there are drug and alcohol addicts, sex addicts, gambling addictions. People can even become addicted to seemingly harmless things like caffeine, sugar, shopping and video games. Whenever an activity threatens the things people value like family, friends, their health, career, job and home­­—the problem is easy to locate, but the solution still hasn't been found.