Thursday, March 06, 2025
KIM ANNIS, Grizzly Conflict Prevention specialist for Fish, Wildlife & Parks, works hard to prevent grizzly-human conflicts by helping humans remove attractants. Capturing and relocating, such as with this large male from Michael Slough, is a last resort as it is hard on the bear and often unsuccessful at keeping them out of future trouble. (Photo courtesy of Derek Reich)

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Grizzly bear conflict-prevention specialist making a difference
March 14, 2019 3:13 p.m.

Grizzly bear conflict-prevention specialist making a difference

Cabinet Resource Group (CRG), a grass-roots conservation watchdog group active since 1976 in northwest Montana, held its annual meeting Saturday, March 9 at Bighorn Lodge on the Bull River. The group uses this event every year to share issue updates with members, introduce like-minded groups in the region, give awards, and vote on board members.