Friday, February 28, 2025

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New arrival in Plains brings her own voice to the pulpit
September 11, 2013 1:02 p.m.

New arrival in Plains brings her own voice to the pulpit

PLAINS – The new pastor at the United Methodist Church in Plains has only been in town for about a month but already the congregation is warming up to their new guide. According to the new member of the clergy, the fact that she is a woman has not affected how her flock responds to her teachings.

University students attempt to identify unmarked graves
April 17, 2013 2:13 p.m.

University students attempt to identify unmarked graves

In an effort to continue improving the West End Cemetery, Ellen Matz and the board contacted the University of Montana in Missoula two years ago with hopes that the university could aid them in identifying portions of the cemetery where what lies beneath the surface is unknown.

January 29, 2016 11:51 a.m.

Martin Luther King, Jr. honored in Mineral County schools

Mineral County students honored Martin Luther King, Jr. over the past couple of weeks with projects and reports. Not just to honor his memory, but also to honor the principles for which he was an advocate. January 18 was MLK Day, and Alberton and St. Regis schools took it as a holiday, although Superior held classes.

September 11, 2014 3:32 p.m.

Letters to the Editor; What is a school?

What is a school? Besides a brick and mortar building, a school is a place of learning. But, it is more than that.

February 2, 2011 2:39 p.m.

Save our pool

People have favorite charities. People have things they believe in. People have an idea of what values, traits, and culture a town should have. We, the City of Plains and surrounding areas live in a beautiful valley; we have a beautiful pool and two parks. We need to believe in our community. We need to keep our town alive.

January 26, 2011 1:58 p.m.

Zylawy boys releasing first album

The Zylawy Boys didn’t know when their cd would be ready to be released back when they were first interviewed in November. However, production has wrapped up. The boys will release their first cd with a release party and celebration this Sunday, January 30. The event will be held at Superior Mountain Mudd, which is located in the old school building in Superior from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

October 4, 2010 11:40 a.m.

Partisan concerns

What’s up with Republicans these days? Take the recent primary race for Senator in Delaware to replace Joe Biden’s seat, for instance. Republican voters were faced with choosing old establishment  “moderate ideals” by casting their vote for candidate Mike Castle or taking a truly bold step by selecting Christine O’Donnell as their choice for a conservative reformer. The standard everyday Republicans are not going to “roll the current destruction” occurring in America today, in the halls of Congress in Washington, D.C., in the State legislative sessions amongst all fifty states, or even in hundreds of local courthouses of county governments.

January 6, 2010 midnight

Panthers take early lead to win

Summer Crosby

May 15, 2013 11:26 a.m.

Letter to the Editor - May 15

February 21, 2013 8:53 a.m.

Resource plan group reactivated

Kevin Chamberlain and Dennis Hildebrand were present at the meeting of the Mineral County Commissioners on Friday to discuss reactivating the Resource Use Plan Group.

Heard on the Street
November 27, 2019 7:18 p.m.

Heard on the Street

Historic Superior
April 17, 2013 12:04 p.m.

Historic Superior

Members of the Superior Rod and Gun Club, including A.P. Johnshon, William Fletcher, Sam Bouchard, Anton Tamietti, Berna McCartney, "Long Harry" Echardt and Paul Guimont, watch one of the elk transported from Yellowstone to what is now the Sloway area of Superior. The elk arrived in Mineral County on March 5, 1913, with the club providing $25 for transportation.

Mineral County residents ask what’s happening in the Sheriff’s Office
July 15, 2020 3:22 p.m.

Mineral County residents ask what’s happening in the Sheriff’s Office

By Fire Marshall rules, the Mineral County Commissioners conference room is capped at having no more than 49 individuals. By 11:30 a.m. last Friday there were that many present with another two dozen in the hallway and 29 on the Go-To-Meeting screen.

June 23, 2020 4:35 p.m.

PC Police have gone too far!

First of all, it’s awesome to be back!! I missed writing stories and this column and am really happy to be given the chance to spread a little Kvelve “wisdom and humor” to all of you in this amazing part of the world!

Mineral County Sheriff's Office Profile: Deputy Ryan Funke
March 10, 2021 midnight

Mineral County Sheriff's Office Profile: Deputy Ryan Funke

From a Calloway 7-iron to a Kimber 1911 .45 pistol, he is extremely happy where he is after his world literally fell out from beneath him...

April 12, 2023 midnight

COLUMN: Hands off my sports

This planet that is now home to somewhere in the crowded neighborhood of 8 billion human beings by most estimates, is an amazing, if not crazy place.

Superior's Darby Haskins signs with UM rodeo team
March 8, 2023 midnight

Superior's Darby Haskins signs with UM rodeo team

Signing Day for the NFL Draft could not hold a candle to the crowd of people on March 1 in the all-purpose room of Superior High School.

Man rescued from Clark Fork River near Superior
January 24, 2017 2:59 p.m.

Man rescued from Clark Fork River near Superior

A Superior resident was pulled from the Clark Fork River Friday evening, and was near death before being rescued. What started as a typical afternoon of fishing, ended in near-tragedy, after Jeramy Wilson, 40, went fishing near his home located northwest of town.

Montana Aussie Adventures with Erin-Jay
June 26, 2018 5:08 p.m.

Montana Aussie Adventures with Erin-Jay

A lot can happen in a year. For me, I was living in Arizona, and as of June 27, 2017, I was in Montana.