Saturday, March 01, 2025

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Anniversary of Roe v. Wade sparks debate
January 30, 2013 9:02 a.m.

Anniversary of Roe v. Wade sparks debate

THOMPSON FALLS - The Roe v. Wade anniversary stirred up a forty-year long clash of interests on Tuesday afternoon as peaceful protesters marched down Main Street in Thompson Falls holding up signs defending life.

Flat Creek cleanup nears completion after 15 years
May 16, 2017 1:32 p.m.

Flat Creek cleanup nears completion after 15 years

The Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Environmental Quality hosted a site tour of the Flat Creek-Iron Mountain Mine tailing cleanup on May 10. Members of the Superior Technical Assistance Committee (STAC) and the public met in Superior and drove up to the site north of town. It gave interested parties the opportunity to ask questions and present ideas or concerns to the departments involved with the cleanup.

Gianforte received nearly 60 percent of Mineral County vote
May 30, 2017 2:42 p.m.

Gianforte received nearly 60 percent of Mineral County vote

Montanan’s can finally take a sigh of relief as the special election for Montana’s lone seat in the U.S. House of Representatives is over. After 85 days of campaigning, Republican Greg Gianforte won with 50% of the vote with 189,473 ballots cast in his favor. Democrat Rob Quist received 44% with 166,483 votes, and Libertarian Mark Wicks received 6% with 21,509 votes.

U.S. Rep. Gianforte stops at Tricon Timber
July 11, 2017 2:34 p.m.

U.S. Rep. Gianforte stops at Tricon Timber

Last week marked Greg Gianforte’s third visit to Tricon Timber in St. Regis, but it was his first visit as a member of the United States House of Representatives for Montana. His visit took place on Monday, July 3, just one week after he had been sworn in.

February 8, 2023 midnight

Noxon teams primed for tourney time

The District 14C regular basketball season is in the books and for the Noxon boys and girls a good showing this past week sets them up for some interesting action in the District tourney in two weeks.

Horsemen corralled for first loss
January 13, 2010 midnight

Horsemen corralled for first loss

Matt Unrau

Railroad days gave good fun
July 23, 2008 midnight

Railroad days gave good fun

Hundreds of people gathered in Alberton Saturday to celebrate Railroad Day and the 100-year anniversary of the first train to pass through Alberton.

Ballet dancers perform at Plains
April 15, 2008 midnight

Ballet dancers perform at Plains

“They missed an absolute treat,” said Debbi Kirschbaum about those who didn’t attend the performance of the Rocky Mountain Ballet Theatre at Plains Sunday afternoon.

Plains resident proof good things come in small packages
September 30, 2020 midnight

Plains resident proof good things come in small packages

Some people accept defeat. Others make lemonade out of lemons. Such is the case with Plains resident Jennay Ovitt, who has turned life’s lemons into something very palatable. As a result, she and many others may soon be able to do the same.

'Hamlet' visits the next generation of Shakespeareans in Alberton
November 23, 2016 4 a.m.

'Hamlet' visits the next generation of Shakespeareans in Alberton

To be, or not to be, that is the question,” actor Ty Fanning said in Act 3 of Shakespeare’s play “Hamlet” during a performance at the Alberton School on Wednesday, Nov. 16.

November 8, 2023 midnight

Legals for November, 8 2023

Trotters softball opens season Saturday
March 20, 2024 midnight

Trotters softball opens season Saturday

Last year’s Plains Trotters softball team was like a tale of two teams. They opened the season losing six straight before picking up a win against Troy.

Mineral County Chamber reboots with first meeting
November 8, 2023 midnight

Mineral County Chamber reboots with first meeting

About 24 business owners, community members, retired residents and a few new faces attended a recent meeting of the Mineral County Chamber of Commerce, which is reopening after years of dormancy.

Ruth Melvina Bebee Charlton
August 25, 2021 midnight

Ruth Melvina Bebee Charlton

Ruth Melvina Bebee Charlton left this world to be with Jesus on Aug. 23.

January 24, 2018 4 a.m.

Humana contract negotiations fail with local hospital

The chief financial officer of the Clark Fork Valley Hospital (CFVH) had officially advised those patients under the previous Medicare Advantage program that the hospital had been unsuccessful in recent negotiations.

St. Regis/Mullan gridders look for deep playoff run
August 25, 2021 midnight

St. Regis/Mullan gridders look for deep playoff run

Or will they run into another buzzsaw team from the Idaho flatlands? One thing is for sure, the two-state Tigers are locked and loaded again this year as they ready for what they hope will be a championship run.

Artist visits Hot Springs to teach classes
March 28, 2015 3:34 p.m.

Artist visits Hot Springs to teach classes

HOT SPRINGS - The Songstick shop in Hot Springs had a very special visitor Sunday afternoon. Rachel Bowers, a celebrated Native American beader, held the first part of a two class session on two needle style beading.

Alberton kids enjoy story time
January 21, 2011 11:25 a.m.

Alberton kids enjoy story time

Books on bears and stuffed teddy bears to compliment them were set out on a table last week in Alberton’s senior center. Connie Acker waited patiently for moms to arrive with their young children in tow so the first story time of the New Year could get underway. As you might have guessed, bears were the theme and books featuring bears were on tap to be read.

May 1, 2013 9:34 a.m.

Commissioners discuss plans for Large Predator Resolution

At the special meeting of the Mineral County Commissioner in St. Regis on April 23, the commissioners discussed their Large Predator Resolution with the thirty plus attendees.

Resource Advisory Committee seeking new members
January 22, 2025 midnight

Resource Advisory Committee seeking new members

In a world of acronyms of organizations that overlap with similar names but have different goals, it helps to start in the correct hallway.