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Sanders County Fair Board finalizes details
July 19, 2023 midnight

Sanders County Fair Board finalizes details

Sanders County Fair Board was busy at last Wednesday’s meeting making final preparations for the fair, carnival and rodeo.

99-year-old WWII veteran surprised with flight in Miss Montana
July 19, 2023 midnight

99-year-old WWII veteran surprised with flight in Miss Montana

Local 99-year-old World War II veteran, Betty Meyer, was honored Saturday for her service with the Women’s Army Corp.

30th Chicken Jamboree takes place in Thompson Falls
July 19, 2023 midnight

30th Chicken Jamboree takes place in Thompson Falls

Several hundred Sanders County residents participated in the 30th annual Chicken Jamboree last weekend.

July 19, 2023 midnight

COLUMN: Getting in laps

For me, it was “several shaky steps for dude, not much of a leap for mankind.”

Burgers and Bows shootout pulls in 80 archers
July 19, 2023 midnight

Burgers and Bows shootout pulls in 80 archers

Archery, including bow hunting, is alive and well in Northwest Montana.

Pickleball craze hits Montana courts
July 19, 2023 midnight

Pickleball craze hits Montana courts

The dude in the pickle costume marching in the Plains Day parade might have been a harbinger of things to come.

July 19, 2023 midnight

Montana adds protections for kids in private residential treatment programs

As a teenager attending Chrysalis Therapeutic Boarding School for Girls, a private, alternative therapeutic program in Eureka, Montana, from 2001 to 2004, Meg Appelgate was subjected to emotional abuse and not given medical care for injuries from physical labor such as baling hay, chopping wood, and moving rocks, she said.

July 19, 2023 midnight

Legals for July, 19 2023

July 15, 2023 midnight

Bill aims to ease path to homeownership for volunteer firefighters

U.S. Sen. Jon Tester recently introduced a bill aimed at increasing affordable housing for volunteer firefighters and other first responders to bolster recruitment and retention.

Plan to raise Flathead Lake level torpedoed by water management team
July 14, 2023 1 p.m.

Plan to raise Flathead Lake level torpedoed by water management team

A regional water management team on Friday opted not to alleviate Flathead Lake’s low water level by increasing flows out of Hungry Horse Reservoir.

Plan to raise Flathead Lake level torpedoed by water management team
July 14, 2023 1 p.m.

Plan to raise Flathead Lake level torpedoed by water management team

A regional water management team on Friday opted not to alleviate Flathead Lake’s low water level by increasing flows out of Hungry Horse Reservoir.

Tranel says Zinke’s ‘extremism’ makes him vulnerable in 2024
July 14, 2023 midnight

Tranel says Zinke’s ‘extremism’ makes him vulnerable in 2024

Missoula Democrat Monica Tranel is confident in her chances of winning Montana’s western district U.S. House seat in the 2024 election.

July 12, 2023 12:05 a.m.

COLUMN: Monkey bars

It started early for me. I’ve always been a scavenger of one sort or another.

July 12, 2023 midnight

Legals for July, 12 2023

July 12, 2023 midnight

Legals for July, 12 2023

First responders hone skills in active-shooter drill
July 12, 2023 midnight

First responders hone skills in active-shooter drill

With increasing social instability creeping through the nation, more doors are being locked, car keys are no longer left dangling from the ignition, and security cameras are being installed nearly everywhere.

Volunteers clear old wire on Hiawatha to help protect wildlife
July 12, 2023 midnight

Volunteers clear old wire on Hiawatha to help protect wildlife

The fourth annual Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation wire-pull on the Montana/Idaho border had fewer volunteers this summer, but the enthusiasm for the project hasn't changed.

July 12, 2023 midnight

Conservation license now required to access some state lands

A new rule that went into effect over the weekend requires all outdoor enthusiasts to secure a conservation license to access some state lands previously open with few restrictions to the public.

Fourth of July festivities light up Sanders County
July 12, 2023 midnight

Fourth of July festivities light up Sanders County

Oh beautiful, for Big Blue skies, for forests, hills and Plains.

Reinstalled sign draws visitors to Paradise Legion club
July 12, 2023 midnight

Reinstalled sign draws visitors to Paradise Legion club

Like the phoenix rising from the ashes in literary lore, a piece of Paradise has returned to its perch, symbolically and literally rising from the ashes of past tragedy.