Saturday, March 01, 2025

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Great Falls' Memorial Stadium filled with history
June 1, 2022 midnight

Great Falls' Memorial Stadium filled with history

This weekend, the old lady hosted scores of highly active teenagers inside her home.

Local athletes bring home hardware from state track
June 1, 2022 midnight

Local athletes bring home hardware from state track

Imagine holding an event with 17 different things happening, and often several of those things at the same time.

June 1, 2022 midnight

Letters to the editor June 1

Letters to the editor June 1

Haaland joins CSKT Bison Range celebration
June 1, 2022 midnight

Haaland joins CSKT Bison Range celebration

PABLO — A three-day community celebration filled with song, dance, speeches and community sharing marked the official return of management of the Bison Range at Moiese to the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes last week, a move that includes the transfer of more than 18,000 acres into trust for the Tribes.

June 1, 2022 midnight

Paradise sewer board rejects county offer

Thanks, but no thanks.

June 1, 2022 midnight

Second phase of Flat Creek cleanup planned

It was 20 years ago that the Federal EPA came to Superior to investigate the possibility of soil contamination. That is when the first critical action removal was performed.

May 25, 2022 midnight

Letters to the editor May 25

Letters to the editor May 25

Parkins earns Volunteer EMS Provider of the Year Award
May 25, 2022 midnight

Parkins earns Volunteer EMS Provider of the Year Award

She had no idea whatsoever that Karyn ‘KT’ Thornton had nominated her for the award and always humble, Anita Parkin felt there were others more deserving.

St. Regis Park Board seeks members
May 25, 2022 midnight

St. Regis Park Board seeks members

A thriving community cannot function without a strong foundation of both leaders and volunteers.

Mineral County Fun Run marks 15 years
May 25, 2022 midnight

Mineral County Fun Run marks 15 years

The 15th Annual Mineral County Fun Run took place on May 19, in St. Regis this year.

Plains softball field sees improvements prior to tourney
May 25, 2022 midnight

Plains softball field sees improvements prior to tourney

After months of work, the finished product was deemed well worth the effort.

Local boys earn trip to State B-C track meet
May 25, 2022 midnight

Local boys earn trip to State B-C track meet

All eyes were on the shot put pit Saturday at Frenchtown High as the two top shot putters in the state squared off in the finals of the Montana Western Divisional B-C track tournament.

Spotlight on the Arts: Millie Holloway
May 25, 2022 midnight

Spotlight on the Arts: Millie Holloway

Artistic talent is often revealed in the normal activities of schoolwork.

Gianforte gets a look at Superior Meats new technology
May 18, 2022 midnight

Gianforte gets a look at Superior Meats new technology

When Jerry Stroot started Superior Meats in 1996, he estimates that he butchered 50-60 cattle in a mobile unit that year. Today he does that many every week at his processing plant.

Fair commission talks ticketing, insurance
May 18, 2022 midnight

Fair commission talks ticketing, insurance

The Sanders County Fair Commission held its regular meeting Wednesday, May 11, at the fairgrounds with a full agenda for the upcoming fair. All board members were present.

May 18, 2022 midnight

Congressional candidates discuss indigenous issue

More needs to be done at the federal level to ensure Native Americans in Montana have equitable access to things like healthcare and voting, candidates for Montana’s western congressional district said on Thursday.

May 18, 2022 midnight

Election mail bag

Election mail bag

Lady Bobcats claim 14C meet
May 18, 2022 midnight

Lady Bobcats claim 14C meet

The Superior Lady Bobcats were indeed superior thanks to depth and outstanding individual performances this past weekend as they ran away with the Western 14C District track and field title at Missoula’s County Public Schools stadium.

Local tracksters have success at 7B meet
May 18, 2022 midnight

Local tracksters have success at 7B meet

District tournament host Bigfork was not a very accommodating place for visiting track and field fans and athletes in town for the Western 7B District championships this past Saturday.

Noxon's VanVleet headed to Montana Tech
May 18, 2022 midnight

Noxon's VanVleet headed to Montana Tech

Some folks are just meant to do some things. It may well be a segment of DNA or some kind of Divine intervention, but for some people, certain things are natural and easy.