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Lady Panthers lose three
It was another tough week for the Alberton Lady Panthers volleyball team. They played Arlee on last Tuesday and then played a game against Victor on Saturday.
Panthers return to football field
Football practice got underway for the teams across Mineral County last week. In Alberton, thirteen kids hit the field that will play for the Alberton Panthers this season. Coach Jake Giffin said that while the number of kids is good, he said it is lower.
Bobcat golfers stride forward despite weather
If the weather doesn't start improving, Seth Kuhl said that he and the students might be dawning raincoats to go outside and practice as divisionals are coming up on Monday, May 10 in Missoula. They lost two tournaments over the week because of weather. They were supposed to play at Deer Lodge last Saturday, but that didn't happen. They were also supposed to play at Seeley on Tuesday, May 4, but on Monday, Kuhl had already gotten a phone call from the course letting him know that the greens were in no conditions to be played on.

Detention-center administrator part of deal to get jail reopened
Discussions continued on Monday, Nov. 13, regarding the closure of the Mineral County jail. After dealing with the resignation of Sheriff Tom Bauer, the Mineral County Commissioners meeting turned to the task of getting the jail reopened.
Letter to Editor
Democrats constantly wonder why so many working people vote “against their own economic self-interests.”
Women's equality years later
Women’s Equality 95 Years Later

Lady Bobcats look to gain experience
The Superior Lady Bobcat team of 2012 went undefeated during the regular season due largely to a high-speed defensive assault combined with fast-break shooting.

Tigers basketball starts up for winter season
ST. REGIS – With winter settling over the county, the boys of St. Regis High School’s sports teams go indoors for the basketball season.

Train derailment cleaned up
Nick Ianniello
Patriotism is no longer in our schools
Goodbye America, home of the free; land of the brave.

Plains Town council passes water bond upgrade
PLAINS – The March meeting for the Plains Town Council commenced March 4, where council members voted on and passed the water bond upgrade and also addressed town property and storage use.
A productive legislative session for hunters and landowners
Hunting season has arrived! As hunters flock to the hills in pursuit of Montana’s treasured big game species, we want to take a moment to acknowledge the good work that was done in this spring’s legislative session for hunters, landowners, and conservationists alike.

Officials kill Ovando grizzly; Bear attacks runner in Idaho
A grizzly bear that pulled a California woman from her tent and killed her this week was fatally shot early last Friday.
Riverdogs hit rough patch after blazing start
As every bird hunter knows, there may be brief stretches each year where the river is too high and the dogs would not do well in the current.
Superior students excited for European tour
One really can’t refer to them as "field trips" when the kids are flying seven time zones from home to Europe.

Final payments for Hot Springs water tank approved
COLUMN: Class and decency on display
If you didn’t pick up a program/flyer when you walked into the football field area at Noxon High School Thursday, you may have been really confused.

Three dead in Plains double murder-suicide
Police found three people dead Saturday after a reported double murder-suicide just west of the Wild Horse Plains Golf Course in Plains.
St. Regis bus driver recognized for his service to the community
A personal account of the origins of the Superior Lions Club food and gift program
Last Christmas in a story about the Superior Lion’s Club’s Christmas food and gift program you asked the Lion’s how it started. Since the program began just after Christmas in 1957 or 58, all of the current Lion’s were too young to remember.