Tuesday, March 04, 2025

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September 21, 2022 midnight

Tranel, Lamb debate in Mineral County

On Wednesday at noon in the county commissioner’s office 2 candidates running for the U.S. House to represent Montana's western congressional district held a debate with about two dozen attendees.

Becoming an Outdoors-Woman is great experience
April 27, 2016 7:56 a.m.

Becoming an Outdoors-Woman is great experience

Superior resident, Peggy Temple, has been fly fishing for at least 30 years and has guided both men and women on fishing float trips down the Clark Fork River for the past four years with her husband, Steve. They own the fishing guide service, “Clark Fork Trout”, and when Peggy was asked to be a fly fishing instructor for Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks “Becoming an Outdoors-Woman” program, she jumped at the chance.

June 25, 2010 2:53 p.m.

Public pool a staple in community

It came to my attention in the last couple of weeks that the Plains Pool was being filled late. Being a strong pool supporter for the last 30 years, this bothered me. When we first moved to Plains, the pool was one of the big drawing points for our family. After our four children spent many wonderful years competing on the Plains Swim Team, I knew I had to investigate the late pool opening.

March 19, 2020 10:04 a.m.

Coast-to-coast rail trail would pass through county

Spanning more than 3,700 miles between Washington state and Washington, D.C., the Great American Rail Trail’s proposed route runs right through Mineral County.

Mineral County Airport Board begins FAA grant process
February 13, 2013 12:56 p.m.

Mineral County Airport Board begins FAA grant process

The Mineral County Airport Board was present at the Friday meeting of the Mineral County Commissioners meeting to receive approval on an engineering firm.

Lady Tigers show improvement against Charlo
December 22, 2021 midnight

Lady Tigers show improvement against Charlo

The path to getting better, AKA progress, AKA improvement, most often features a series of hurdles.

Plains artist Williams to be featured in documentary
June 23, 2021 midnight

Plains artist Williams to be featured in documentary

Dave Williams served in the U.S. Navy from 1980-1984 and will tell you that where he is today is not what he wanted, but it’s where he is meant to be.

Panthers step boldly into the future
May 22, 2013 12:38 p.m.

Panthers step boldly into the future

Even by Alberton standards the 2013 graduating class of six seniors was small – but what they lacked in numbers they made up for in academic excellence and school spirit.

April 2, 2020 11:26 a.m.

Clark Fork Hospital CEO gives COVID-19 update


July 9, 2008 midnight

Smear campaigns, trust and the public good

The election season in Montana is off to a pretty rocky start, at least if civility matters to anyone. First the Montana primary election saw the “conservative” wing of the Republican Party defeat the “socialist” wing in a smear campaign pretty much unprecedented in my experience; then Republican State Representative John Sinrud took a shot at “environmental radicals and their pet politicians”, meaning Democrats. At least Sinrud was targeting the political opposition. I don’t recall reading of the Democrats eating their own, but just because it didn’t make the news doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

Trout Creek woman recalls life on and off reservation
December 1, 2021 midnight

Trout Creek woman recalls life on and off reservation

She recently shared her life's story with Clark Fork Valley Press reporter Monte Turner.

Tease photo
September 9, 2020 midnight

What are Mineral County's wolves up to?

Bringing up the subject of wolves remains touchy. A flashpoint for many who have nothing good to say about them for reasons of their own. How the deer population has dropped. The elk are gone, at least in the areas many hunters always could find them.

Beckman, Brown first at Trestle Creek
May 10, 2017 4 a.m.

Beckman, Brown first at Trestle Creek

Thompson Falls’ Dylan Beckman is one of several Bluehawk, Lady Bluehawk golfers that has created a sense of optimism for the TF program’s future according to boys, girls golf coach Mike Bates.

New superintendent hopes to bring cooperative approach to Glacier
July 27, 2022 midnight

New superintendent hopes to bring cooperative approach to Glacier

When David Roemer earned his graduate degree from the University of Montana, he never dreamed he would later return to the state as the superintendent of Glacier National Park.

Supplemental property tax bills to arrive this spring
March 20, 2024 midnight

Supplemental property tax bills to arrive this spring

The Montana Supreme Court determined that the Department of Revenue has the authority to direct counties to levy above the current mill levy calculation limitation each year if reserved mills are determined to be available.

Jolene Marie Jackson Jacobson
August 30, 2023 midnight

Jolene Marie Jackson Jacobson

Jolene Marie Jackson Jacobson

Planting by the heart a Plains tradition
March 1, 2017 4 a.m.

Planting by the heart a Plains tradition

Planting by the heart doesn’t mean to plant according to the heart of a gardener, or any other person. The local Plains area old-timers saying or old wives tale states, “You don’t plant anything until all of the snow is off the heart of Baldy.”

Melanie's (sports) column: Supportive community helps sports
February 27, 2013 9:58 a.m.

Melanie's (sports) column: Supportive community helps sports

High school sports are important to the community that supports them, this newspaper included. They are also important to the participating students, as it is commonly known that student athletes on the high school, or “prep” level usually do well academically. From covering sports this past school year, particularly basketball, I have seen the communities of Sanders County come together to support the sports, and the students that play them. As a journalist, and a small-circulation newspaper editor, this is pleasing to see. But the road hasn’t been a smooth one to drive.

December 23, 2020 midnight

Food for Thought: How have you grown?

But with challenges and tribulations comes an opportunity to learn...