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Talent still plentiful for Thompson Falls Blue Hawks
But state champion wrestler Trae Thilmony who also earned all-state honors as a running back/linebacker last year, returns with a solid, experienced group from the 2020 campaign.
Montana Viewpoint: Infrastructure, hard and soft
There are two types of infrastructure, commonly called hard and soft.

Candidate filing opens for state and local elections
Most filing for state office occurs electronically in Montana, but candidates can file in-person at the Secretary of State Office. More than 60 legislative candidates had filed as of January 13, which was the first day candidates could file.

Hyatt leads Bluehawks at state meet
Thompson Falls runner Will Hyatt finished eighth overall at the State B cross country meet Saturday in Missoula.
Montana Viewpoint: American Redoubt
This is the kind of publicity that most communities would not want to have because it would serve as a deterrent to the economic growth of an area.
COLUMN: Laurel a fine host
I remember well growing up just 14 official miles from Billings’ “bedroom”, a quiet little community called Laurel.

Cleanup begins after freight train derails into Yellowstone River
Montana Rail Link has begun cleaning up a derailment that occurred Saturday morning on a bridge near Reed Point, southeast of Big Timber, sending rail cars loaded with molten sulfur and asphalt into the Yellowstone River.
Vote smart
Energy issues we face are a matter of national security. Our country faces one of the biggest challenges our nation has seen since World War II. As we send $700 billion dollars overseas per year to buy oil from people who don’t like us, our “do nothing” democratic congress stopped our ability to drill within 50 miles of our coastlines, which holds the majority of our oil and natural gas. We have to come to grips with our dire need to develop our natural resources in a responsible way. Nationally we have enough resources in a responsible way. Nationally we have enough resource to meet our demand. With gas prices pushing $3.50 to $4.00 a gallon the Democratic majority leader in Congress wants us to make sure our tires are inflated at the proper pressure so we can save fuel. Hello, is any body out there?! (NEED I SAY MORE)
Legals March 8, 2017
NOTICE OF SALE Department of Natural Resources & Conservation Timber Sale The Upper Calico Fire Salvage Timber Sale is located within Section 16, T22N-R27W on the State's Plains Unit. Approximately 20,352 tons, consisting of mixed conifer sawlogs, are offered for sale. Sealed bids will be opened at the Department of Natural Resources & Conservation, 2705 Spurgin Road, Missoula, Montana on April 19, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. Bids may be hand delivered or mailed and will be accepted any time prior to the bid opening. DNRC recommends that bidders contact the Trust Land Management Division (406-542-4300) prior to the bid opening to ensure that your bid has been received. Bids must be accompanied by a deposit of $12,089.00, representing 5% of the minimum bid value of the sale in cashier's check, certified check, bank money order or bank draft to be applied to the first sale invoice for the successful bidder. Bid bonds will be accepted and, for the successful bidder, will be closed upon execution of the Timber Sale Contract and Timber Sale Bond. The sale will be awarded to the highest responsible bidder. If the successful bidder is unable to execute the contract within 30 calendar days from the date the sale is awarded, the bid deposit will be retained by the Department as liquidated damages. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Prospective bidders can obtain the sale prospectus, sale contract and bid forms from the Department of Natural Resources & Conservation, Trust Land Management Division, in Missoula (406-542-4300), the Northwestern Land Office in Kalispell (406-751-2257), or the Plains Unit Office in Plains, MT (406-826-4725). Visit our website at http://dnrc.mt.gov/divisions/trust/forest-management/timber-sale-information for upcoming sales and bid results. Published in the Clark Fork Valley Press on March 8, March 15, March 22 and March 29, 2017. MNAXLP
Legals March 15, 2017
NOTICE OF SALE Department of Natural Resources & Conservation Timber Sale The Upper Calico Fire Salvage Timber Sale is located within Section 16, T22N-R27W on the State's Plains Unit. Approximately 20,352 tons, consisting of mixed conifer sawlogs, are offered for sale. Sealed bids will be opened at the Department of Natural Resources & Conservation, 2705 Spurgin Road, Missoula, Montana on April 19, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. Bids may be hand delivered or mailed and will be accepted any time prior to the bid opening. DNRC recommends that bidders contact the Trust Land Management Division (406-542-4300) prior to the bid opening to ensure that your bid has been received. Bids must be accompanied by a deposit of $12,089.00, representing 5% of the minimum bid value of the sale in cashier's check, certified check, bank money order or bank draft to be applied to the first sale invoice for the successful bidder. Bid bonds will be accepted and, for the successful bidder, will be closed upon execution of the Timber Sale Contract and Timber Sale Bond. The sale will be awarded to the highest responsible bidder. If the successful bidder is unable to execute the contract within 30 calendar days from the date the sale is awarded, the bid deposit will be retained by the Department as liquidated damages. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Prospective bidders can obtain the sale prospectus, sale contract and bid forms from the Department of Natural Resources & Conservation, Trust Land Management Division, in Missoula (406-542-4300), the Northwestern Land Office in Kalispell (406-751-2257), or the Plains Unit Office in Plains, MT (406-826-4725). Visit our website at http://dnrc.mt.gov/divisions/trust/forest-management/timber-sale-information for upcoming sales and bid results. Published in the Clark Fork Valley Press on March 8, March 15, March 22 and March 29, 2017. MNAXLP
Sanders County girls tracksters make immediate impact at Jim Johnson
Plains High School track star Jessica Thompson picked up right where she left off last year after capturing two state titles in the MHSA Class C state track meet.
Legals March 22, 2017
NOTICE OF SALE Department of Natural Resources & Conservation Timber Sale The Upper Calico Fire Salvage Timber Sale is located within Section 16, T22N-R27W on the State's Plains Unit. Approximately 20,352 tons, consisting of mixed conifer sawlogs, are offered for sale. Sealed bids will be opened at the Department of Natural Resources & Conservation, 2705 Spurgin Road, Missoula, Montana on April 19, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. Bids may be hand delivered or mailed and will be accepted any time prior to the bid opening. DNRC recommends that bidders contact the Trust Land Management Division (406-542-4300) prior to the bid opening to ensure that your bid has been received. Bids must be accompanied by a deposit of $12,089.00, representing 5% of the minimum bid value of the sale in cashier's check, certified check, bank money order or bank draft to be applied to the first sale invoice for the successful bidder. Bid bonds will be accepted and, for the successful bidder, will be closed upon execution of the Timber Sale Contract and Timber Sale Bond. The sale will be awarded to the highest responsible bidder. If the successful bidder is unable to execute the contract within 30 calendar days from the date the sale is awarded, the bid deposit will be retained by the Department as liquidated damages. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Prospective bidders can obtain the sale prospectus, sale contract and bid forms from the Department of Natural Resources & Conservation, Trust Land Management Division, in Missoula (406-542-4300), the Northwestern Land Office in Kalispell (406-751-2257), or the Plains Unit Office in Plains, MT (406-826-4725). Visit our website at http://dnrc.mt.gov/divisions/trust/forest-management/timber-sale-information for upcoming sales and bid results. Published in the Clark Fork Valley Press on March 8, March 15, March 22 and March 29, 2017. MNAXLP
Hecla issue 'double talk' from DEQ just doesn't make sense
I respect the importance Department of Environmental Quality has in ensuring protection of Montana’s environment. We acknowledge Director Livers’ support for Hecla when he accurately stated, “DEQ recognizes that Hecla’s track record of mine operations and reclamation has earned the company a favorable reputation for commitments to safety and to minimizing environmental impacts from mining.”
Former Horsemen to pass down basketball knowledge at upcoming summer camp
Former Plains Horsemen basketball players Andy Swanson and Royce Johnston are hoping to help aid in carrying on the basketball tradition that is well-established in Plains.
Senate passes bill to improve rural health care
The U.S. Senate passed a bipartisan bill Tuesday that could expand access to specialty health care for rural patients in states like Montana where services are often scattered.
Justification for lawsuit to limit voter choice by closing primaries
Republican Party bosses - Senator Matt Rosendale, State Chair Jeff Essmann, and Representative Keith Regier - in sworn depositions and press releases, hope to justify why their lawsuit to limit voter choice by closing primaries has merit for Montanans.
An update from Rep. Ingraham
The State Administration & Veterans Affairs Committee (SAVA) will be meeting on Thursday, February 6
Schools come together for 21st Century Grant

Superior wrestlers head to state competition
SUPERIOR – When the Superior wrestlers went to the Divisional Tournament in Ronan on Saturday, Feb. 8, all four members of the squad came away in top places.
Young Bluehawk athletes dominate
BUTTE – The Bluehawks stormed the State B track championship, placing multiple young athletes, while showing promise for upcoming seasons.