Monday, March 10, 2025

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September 30, 2009 midnight

Plains mourns death of local man

Danielle Switalski

Cars rally in Trout Creek over weekend
September 16, 2009 midnight

Cars rally in Trout Creek over weekend

Danielle Switalski

September 16, 2009 midnight

The Health Care "Debate"

Jim Elliott

September 16, 2009 midnight

Obituaries for September 16

Linda Sue Andrews, 56, beloved wife, mother, grandmother and sister, Linda Sue Andrews, 56, passed away on September 2, 2009.

September 16, 2009 midnight

Shop class offers Plains students a hands-on approach

Matt Unrau

August 13, 2009 midnight

Cash for Clunkers mania hits Sanders County

Matt Unrau

Head-on collision closes Highway 200 in Plains
July 23, 2009 midnight

Head-on collision closes Highway 200 in Plains

Matt Unrau

June 17, 2009 midnight

St. Regis hosts demolition derby

Bruce Charles

May 28, 2009 midnight

Plains adds new truck to fire arsenal

Matt Unrau

April 24, 2009 midnight

Mary Kathleen Berenice Kajewski Noonan

Mary (Betty) Noonan, 97, was born January 20, 1912, in Qu'Appelle, Saskatchewan, Canada, to Harry Haronin Kajewski (b. Poland 1877, d. Craik Sask., 1962) and Mary Edith Alicia Kajewski, nee Moore, (b.Walkerton, Ontario, 1882, d. Regina Sask., 1971). Her father and grandfather owned the first power plant in Saskatchewan.Growing up in Regina with her siblings Tom, Norah, Edith and Hilda, she excelled in Canadian sports, becoming captain for her hockey and curling teams.

Citizens flock to Trout Creek for Poker Run
February 20, 2009 midnight

Citizens flock to Trout Creek for Poker Run

Heather Hasty

February 20, 2009 midnight

Schweitzer pleads guilty to drug charges

Nick Ianniello

Schweitzer pleads guilty to drug charges
February 18, 2009 midnight

Schweitzer pleads guilty to drug charges

Nick Ianniello

Citizens flock to Trout Creek for Poker Runn
February 18, 2009 midnight

Citizens flock to Trout Creek for Poker Runn

Heather Hasty

Paying respects
November 19, 2008 midnight

Paying respects

Students from Superior Elementary School gathered in their gym in celebration of Veteran's Day Tuesday afternoon before heading home for the day to pay their respects to the veterans that have served the country.

October 29, 2008 midnight

Support hemp legalization

Call MT USA Representative Denny Rehberg today — requesting a YES VOTE on the bill [HR1009] federally legalizing cultivation of Industrial hemp in the USA changing jurisdiction from the DEA to the Department of Agriculture.

Former death row inmate speaks out
October 22, 2008 midnight

Former death row inmate speaks out

It was a night of great emotion and strong conviction in the Thompson Falls St. William Parish on Oct. 6 after two men had taken to the pulpit to denounce the death penalty.

October 22, 2008 midnight

Juvenile arrested in Hot Springs carjacking

An attempted carjacking near Hot Springs on Highway 28 Monday morning left one woman shaken, but relieved to be safe and sound.