Friday, February 28, 2025

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March 31, 2021 midnight

Montana Viewpoint: A rainy night in Georgia

The point of the 253 bills that have been introduced by Republicans in 43 states is to make it more difficult...

March 31, 2021 midnight

Food for Thought: Skills For Making Your Relationship Work

Any counselor will tell you that one of the most common problems observed when couples come for help is poor communication skills.

March 31, 2021 midnight

Watercraft inspection stations open for 2021 season

Watercraft inspection stations open for 2021 season across Montana

Joyce Babcock Lehman
March 31, 2021 midnight

Joyce Babcock Lehman

Joyce Babcock Lehman was born July 28, 1927, in Davis County, Iowa, and died March 22, 2021.

Red Cross seeks volunteers in Western Montana
March 31, 2021 midnight

Red Cross seeks volunteers in Western Montana

For the past four years, Red Cross volunteer Scott Fairfield has helped families in Lincoln and Sanders counties...

New veterinarian finds home in Sanders County
March 24, 2021 midnight

New veterinarian finds home in Sanders County

Growing up on a farm or a ranch seems to set the bar pretty high for developing a strong work ethic...

Women in Timber volunteers serve communities with pride
March 24, 2021 midnight

Women in Timber volunteers serve communities with pride

The wives of these men saw a need in the community for children’s clothing and gently used furniture...

Northwest Montana convict back in prison
March 24, 2021 midnight

Northwest Montana convict back in prison

Keeping up with the criminal record of 40-year-old James Rand Hernvall is no easy feat...

March 24, 2021 midnight

Food for Thought: What is mediation and why do it?

The traditional use of lawsuits for resolving problems is giving way to alternative methods.

March 24, 2021 midnight

St. Regis flea market a go in 2021

But tentatively the Flea Market is slated to happen during its regular time over Memorial Day weekend, May 29–31.

March 24, 2021 midnight

Access to East Side of Glacier National Park Reopens

Access to the park east of the Continental Divide has been closed since March 2020...

Ernest E. Roesler
March 24, 2021 midnight

Ernest E. Roesler

Ernest E. Roesler passed away at home...

March 24, 2021 midnight

Legals for March, 24 2021

March 17, 2021 midnight

Food for Thought: Emotional challenges for teens

Today we will explore the hardest things about being a teen and ways to...

March 17, 2021 midnight

Mineral County schools struggle to find substitutes

During a regular school year, it’s already a struggle for Mineral County school districts to find enough substitute teachers...

Frosty's Drive Inn has new owner, new name
March 17, 2021 midnight

Frosty's Drive Inn has new owner, new name

Best known for its burgers, fries, and milkshakes, Frosty’s Drive-in has been a town favorite...

Superior student wins art contest
March 17, 2021 midnight

Superior student wins art contest

The winning drawing by Gia Beaudoin will grace the front of thank you cards sent by Energy Share to donors all around the state next year.

No bison for young hunter, but still enjoys unforgettable season
March 17, 2021 midnight

No bison for young hunter, but still enjoys unforgettable season

Such was the case with 12-year-old Garrett O’Day of Superior.

March 17, 2021 midnight

Montana Viewpoint: Fraud or fiction?

The soul of democracy is the ability of individuals to have a say in their own future, embodied in the right to vote.

March 17, 2021 midnight

Feeding wildlife has negative consequences for animals and humans

Despite winter easing its grip on Montana, it’s easy to take pity on wildlife...