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Pine Beetle populations not hindered by cold snap
MINERAL COUNTY – Over the last several weeks, members of the community have wondered about the status of Mountain Pine Beetle populations in response to colder than average temperatures in early December.
FWP offers reminders for wolf trapping season
With Saturday’s opening of Montana’s first wolf trapping season Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks offers important reminders for trappers and all winter recreationists.
Candidates debate economy
Candidates for both the State House District-13 seat and the State Senate-7 seat gathered at the Llano theater in Plains Monday night to discuss issues facing mainly dealing with the economy.

Wildlife officials say to not harass animals while shed hunting
Liz Bradley, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Region 2 biologist adds more information on the science side along with cautions for those who are ready to go scrounging for these treasured discoveries.

Season extended for Elk B license holders
Some Elk B license holders will have extended hunting opportunity...

Virginia (Ginny) Mary Helterline Malm
Virginia (Ginny) Mary Helterline Malm passed away May 17, 2020.

Thompson Falls spring sports season ready to take off
THOMPSON FALLS – After a year without any softball for Thompson Falls, this year the team is more than ready to get the games started.
Old theme, new plans
New plans set in motion for the Fort Thompson Project and updating the Rose Garden Park
Landscape Architect and President of Silverline Projects Jennifer Fielder has drawn up a detailed preliminary concept plan for the “Fort Thompson” Historical Park and Visitor Center, redoing what is currently known as the Rose Garden Park and Ron’s Service and U-Haul located in downtown Thompson Falls.

Trapper education field day is July 8
If one was looking to purchase tanned hides from furbearers that live in the area, the prices vary all over the board.
County officials discuss involvement in Paradise sewer project
To everyone it was a packed house this past Tuesday as the combatants on both sides of the Paradise sewer project convened at the Paradise Community Center.

Women take on the outdoors
Women brave the rugged outdoors as part of the women in the outdoors workshop
Outdoor recreation is not unique to most Montanans, but a ‘Women in the Outdoors Workshop' is.
Auction draws bidders and lookers to Superior
At best count, 205 vehicles lined the sides of the Cyr Iron Mountain Road from Quartz Road past the Mineral Country Shooting Sports Associations building about 8 miles east of Superior.

Commissioners find savings by taking on new duties
When Dawn Terrill left her position as commissioner assistant and human resource director with Mineral County last year after her appointment as a county commissioner upon Laurie Johnston’s retirement, those hired for the position have not stayed.
Utility coming to Superior
SUPERIOR – An idea over a decade in the making is finally coming to fruition in Mineral County after federal grant money was allocated last week to providing a type of power source it is hoped will entice businesses to make the county their future home.
County students discover healthcare careers
SUPERIOR - On Wednesday, February 5, St.Regis High School and Alberton High School students will take part in a R.E.A.C.H. program hosted by Mineral Community Hospital. On the consecutive Wednesday, Superior High School students will attend an identical program. R.E.A.C.H., which stands for Research and Explore Awesome Careers in Healthcare, was developed by the Montana Area Health Education Center in 2007. The Western Montana Area Health Education Center (WMT-AHEC) R.E.A.C.H. program provides an opportunity for students to have hands-on exposure to latest equipment, practices, and procedures in the healthcare industry. Students will spend the morning at Mineral Community Hospital (MCH), working in teams, rotating through a variety of departments, where MCH professionals will provide a close-up view of job duties, daily practice, policy and procedures, and explain the education and training required for their positions.Larry Putnam, Mineral Community Hospital CEO and hospital staff are choreographing the day’s events to include student visits to Radiology, Physical Therapy, Respiratory Therapy, Lab, Surgery and ER.

Helitech team sets up camp at county airport to fight Idaho fires

Superior Bobcats dominate on the field
SUPERIOR – The Superior Bobcats won an amazing 58-20 victory against the Arlee Warriors on Friday.

David 'Sonny' Mickelson
David ‘Sonny’ Mickelson, 79, of Superior, Mont., passed away at Deer Lodge Medical Center on Dec. 28, 2018, from complications due to pneumonia. Sonny had resided at the Deer Lodge Care Center for the past year due to advanced Alzheimer’s disease.
Two wrestlers take first, second over weekend
Summer Crosby

Poppy day in Paradise and Plains
American Legion gives out poppies to raise money for local veterans
For the American Legion Auxiliary, the poppy is used as the organization’s memorial flower and through donations it goes towards benefiting veterans and their families.