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Marsha Eileen Rounsley Johnson Aldrich
Marsha Eileen Rounsley Johnson Aldrich
State park visitation on the decline
Temperate weather with a few cold spells during the first quarter of 2022 contributed to a slight decrease in the number of overall visitors to state parks in Montana, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks reported last week.

Bill looks to exempt outfitters and guides from minimum wage rule
A new bipartisan bill proposed late last month by U.S. Sens. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) hopes to support the outdoor economy by exempting outfitters and guides from what outdoor industry officials say are burdensome overtime requirements.

Gas prices and inflation could impact summer visitation numbers
Gas prices and inflation could impact summer visitation numbers
Montana primary voters must be registered by noon on June 6
Montana primary voters must be registered by noon on June 6
Legals for May, 25 2022
New fire station in the works for Tarkio
The Mineral County Commissioners on March 26 approved a plan to add 66 parcels to the Superior Rural Fire District, which formalized the process that has been going on for over a year to build small fire department in the Tarkio area.

Gianforte gets a look at Superior Meats new technology
When Jerry Stroot started Superior Meats in 1996, he estimates that he butchered 50-60 cattle in a mobile unit that year. Today he does that many every week at his processing plant.

Local expert shares tidbits on how to 'spoil your horse'
If you’re new to the horse community, tricks of the trade should be pretty darn valuable.

St. Regis students excel at leadership conference
Six students from the St. Regis Schools Business Professionals of America club just returned from a very successful and exciting six-day trip to Dallas for the 2022 National Leadership Conference.

Fair commission talks ticketing, insurance
The Sanders County Fair Commission held its regular meeting Wednesday, May 11, at the fairgrounds with a full agenda for the upcoming fair. All board members were present.
Congressional candidates discuss indigenous issue
More needs to be done at the federal level to ensure Native Americans in Montana have equitable access to things like healthcare and voting, candidates for Montana’s western congressional district said on Thursday.
Election mail bag
Election mail bag
Lady Bobcats claim 14C meet
The Superior Lady Bobcats were indeed superior thanks to depth and outstanding individual performances this past weekend as they ran away with the Western 14C District track and field title at Missoula’s County Public Schools stadium.
Local tracksters have success at 7B meet
District tournament host Bigfork was not a very accommodating place for visiting track and field fans and athletes in town for the Western 7B District championships this past Saturday.
Noxon's VanVleet headed to Montana Tech
Some folks are just meant to do some things. It may well be a segment of DNA or some kind of Divine intervention, but for some people, certain things are natural and easy.
Plains' Angle to wrestle at Indian Hills
You can see the emotion in coach Shane Angle’s face when the subject at hand is one of his best wrestlers.
Riverdogs hit rough patch after blazing start
As every bird hunter knows, there may be brief stretches each year where the river is too high and the dogs would not do well in the current.

To refine water forecasts, Western cities map snow by plane
At a tiny airport surrounded by mountains, a three-person crew takes off for the inaugural flight above the headwaters of the Colorado River to measure the region's snow by air.
Cedar Creek history project makes headway
The Cedar Creek interpretive sign project