Sunday, March 09, 2025
February 26, 2025 midnight

February snowfall boosts mountain snowpack

Mountain snowpack numbers have improved this month following a slow start to winter.

Stager-Staats' love for animals becomes her career
February 12, 2025 midnight

Stager-Staats' love for animals becomes her career

The job of a veterinarian is not for the faint of heart, and it’s rarely boring. Though she resides in the Beaver State, Kenzie Stager-Staats was once a Superior Bobcat, and now she’s living out her dream of caring for animals of all kinds.

Amateur radio hobbyists tune in at winter field day
January 29, 2025 midnight

Amateur radio hobbyists tune in at winter field day

Amateur radio, or ham radio, has been a popular hobby throughout the years as well as an important service that brings people, electronics and communication together.

Amateur radio hobbyists tune in at winter field day
January 29, 2025 midnight

Amateur radio hobbyists tune in at winter field day

Amateur radio, or ham radio, has been a popular hobby throughout the years as well as an important service that brings people, electronics and communication together.

Knitter makes good on special request
January 8, 2025 midnight

Knitter makes good on special request

Some puzzles require a bit of unraveling. That was the case when tracking down a young lad who had requested a special-colored hat during a Halloween giveaway in October

PHOTO Fire department pay tribute to former chief Steve Temple
January 8, 2025 midnight

PHOTO Fire department pay tribute to former chief Steve Temple

The Superior Volunteer Fire Department had the Town of Superior Public works employees hang a display of banners in honor of Steve Temple, the former fire chief, who recently died. (Mineral Independent/Amy Quinlivan)

PHOTOS: St. Regis Winter Festival
December 25, 2024 midnight

PHOTOS: St. Regis Winter Festival

St. Regis Winter Festival in photos.

Mineral Moms cookie frosting event builds camaraderie
December 11, 2024 midnight

Mineral Moms cookie frosting event builds camaraderie

The third annual Mineral Moms Community Christmas Cookie Frosting.

Superior Turkey Trot: Run now, gobble later
December 4, 2024 midnight

Superior Turkey Trot: Run now, gobble later

The Mineral County Turkey Trot 5K, hosted by the Mineral County Rec club had a simple motto. Run now, gobble later.

Do you bleed Grizzly maroon or Bobcat blue?
November 27, 2024 midnight

Do you bleed Grizzly maroon or Bobcat blue?

There are many things’ Montanans can agree on. A common loathe of road construction season along with dawdling drivers in the passing lane on Interstate 90. And most would say that a summer day is nearly perfect after fishing for trout, grilling an elk burger, and watching the sunset from a secret huckleberry patch.

Superior Halloween witches ride
November 6, 2024 midnight

Superior Halloween witches ride

On the night before All Hollow's Eve, the Mineral County Rec Club sponsored its first ever no host Halloween Witches Ride. Bicyclers were encouraged to meet at Eva Horning Park in Superior right before dusk with their witch costumes and decked out bikes. Lights and brooms were attached and the group departed for a playful pedal around town in their outfits. For its inagural "flight" the witches who attended enjoyed themselves and hope to see the event grow more each year. (Mineral Independent/Amy Quinlivan)

Big Mountain Farm Stand brings European flair to St. Regis
November 6, 2024 midnight

Big Mountain Farm Stand brings European flair to St. Regis

Early in the morning as you pull up to Big Mountain Farm Stand along Highway 135 in St. Regis, there is almost an alpenglow of warmth beckoning you into the European-style hut. Inside the rounded arch wooden doorway, you’ll find a lovely collection of homemade and heartfelt creations to fill your pantry and serve at your dinner table.

PHOTOS: St. Regis Fall Festival
October 30, 2024 midnight

PHOTOS: St. Regis Fall Festival

St. Regis gets in the Halloween spirit with annual Fall Festival.

October packed with community gatherings
October 9, 2024 midnight

October packed with community gatherings

To quote L.M. Montgomery the author of Anne of Green Gables, “I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” This month is full of changing leaves, cozy sweaters, soups and ciders, harvest time and winter preparations. But it is also full of exciting community events and gatherings all around Mineral County.

Farmstand offers locally grown and raised options
September 25, 2024 midnight

Farmstand offers locally grown and raised options

What in the world did people do before grocery stores were the standard in every town?

SeptemBEAR hunt in St. Regis
September 18, 2024 midnight

SeptemBEAR hunt in St. Regis

250 rocks were hidden in the wooded areas along the St. Regis Community Park. Bears that were painted gold were prize bears, as well as bears painted with ice cream cones won ice cream from Winki's.

September 18, 2024 midnight

Adult education classes keep locals active

As the weather turns cooler and daylight hours are quickly waning, it’s that time of year for Montanans to find recreational activities indoors.

St. Regis travel pillow tradition continues
September 4, 2024 midnight

St. Regis travel pillow tradition continues

For the past 23 years Rose Gotcher, from St. Regis has taken to her sewing machine each school year to provide homemade green and gold patterned travel pillows for the high school student athletes. This treasured fluff filled tradition provides some comforts of home during long bus rides to and from games. What started back when her granddaughter was playing volleyball, has now culminated with Gotcher's great granddaughter now receiving a pillow of her own as she plays for the Tiger's. (Photo courtesy/Jesse Allan)

Rescuing Cujo helps abused, neglected pets
September 4, 2024 midnight

Rescuing Cujo helps abused, neglected pets

Tucked alongside the steep slope of Thompson Peak west of Superior, a shady property filled with evergreens and gentle hills has transformed into the new home and safe haven for dogs needing a second chance.

August 28, 2024 midnight

St. Regis Senior Center host family fun 'bear hunt'

Though its technically a day early for “bear” season in Montana, the St. Regis Community Park will turn into hunting grounds on Saturday, Sept. 14, for what hopes to become an annual event called the SeptemBear Hunt.

Mineral County Fair parade in photos
August 7, 2024 midnight

Mineral County Fair parade in photos

Mineral County Fair parade in photos

Program explores youth in the digital age
August 7, 2024 midnight

Program explores youth in the digital age

Do you ever wonder if all that time on the tablet is harmful to your 8-year-old? Or has your pre-teen become withdrawn and depressed since joining the land of social media? What about constant struggles with your highschooler in simply getting them to engage in a meaningful face-to-face conversation?

Stage 2 fire restrictions in place in Mineral County
July 24, 2024 midnight

Stage 2 fire restrictions in place in Mineral County

Rumbles of thunder were an unwelcoming sound throughout Mineral County around 3 a.m. on July 18.

July 24, 2024 midnight

Volunteer group holds back-to-school drive

In just a few short weeks the lazy carefree days of summer will transition into back-to-school preparations. Families buying new clothes and gym shoes, backpacks and binders, pencils and pens. But for some Mineral County students it can be a financial strain acquiring all they need as they enter those hallways once again.

St. Regis Independence Day parade
July 10, 2024 midnight

St. Regis Independence Day parade

Photos from the annual Fourth of July parade in St. Regis on Thursday, July 4, 2024.

St. Regis ignites for Independence Day celebrations
July 1, 2024 9 a.m.

St. Regis ignites for Independence Day celebrations

There’s nothing quite like celebrating the Fourth of July in a homegrown, small town, with streets lined with Old Glory, ice cream smiles, fireworks and U.S. pride. If you’re looking for some Yankee Doodle Dandy fun, head on down to St. Regis for Independence Day.

St. Regis native builds career as Coastie
June 19, 2024 midnight

St. Regis native builds career as Coastie

How does a St. Regis graduate, landlocked by majestic mountains, end up earning sea legs while serving in a maritime branch of the military? For recently promoted Chief Warrant Officer Tyler Goss, from Haugan, it all started with a trip to the Pacific coast and from there it was amplified by his conviction for civic duty.

West End market pops up for summer
May 22, 2024 midnight

West End market pops up for summer

Summer market season has arrived, and now in almost every corner of Mineral County, you can find a collection of growers, artists, crafters and artisans to buy from.

May 15, 2024 midnight

Kudus in order for everyone who responded to alleged kidnapping

I would like to start by saying this is not a traditional news story, but more of a first-hand experience garnered from multiple perspectives of an alleged kidnapping incident that was resolved in St. Regis last week.

Superior fifth-grader is a beekeeper training
May 15, 2024 midnight

Superior fifth-grader is a beekeeper training

11-year-old Ayla Henderson of Superior has the buzz on bees.

Standout seniors earn DUI Task Force scholarships
May 8, 2024 midnight

Standout seniors earn DUI Task Force scholarships

Three seniors were invited to the courthouse in Superior on April 30 to be presented with scholarship from the Mineral County DUI Task Force.

Mineral Community Hospital expands offerings
May 8, 2024 midnight

Mineral Community Hospital expands offerings

Scheduling important medical appointments and arranging vital procedures can be a challenge living out in rural Montana. Hospitals and clinics are spread few and far between the mountainous landscape that makes up Mineral County.

Local horologist's clock business keeps on ticking
April 24, 2024 midnight

Local horologist's clock business keeps on ticking

Anderson is a local horologist. But at face value, the average glance at your smartphone digital clock kind of person probably wouldn’t admit to knowing what that is. He and his wife Mia came together like sort of like clockwork to run their small business, Saint Regis Clocks and Collectibles. They are a registered business with the state, servicing and selling antique and vintage clocks from all over the world.

Spring break for a cause: Florida woman organizes clothing drive for Superior thrift
April 17, 2024 midnight

Spring break for a cause: Florida woman organizes clothing drive for Superior thrift

Spring break for college students is typically mid to late March. For the most part, it’s the disreputable week of jet-setting to warm weather locations, for young adults to decompress from their bookwork by engaging in some risky and questionable behavior.

St. Regis Easter egg hunt
April 3, 2024 midnight

St. Regis Easter egg hunt

St. Regis Easter Egg Hunt

Local musicians to perform in 'Lamb of God'
March 27, 2024 midnight

Local musicians to perform in 'Lamb of God'

This March marks the sixth annual presentation of "Lamb of God." A sacred work created by composer Rob Gardner, it is accomplished by an all-volunteer, interfaith choir, soloists, orchestra and narrators, with seven musicians from Mineral County.

'Staff Infection' wins dodgeball tourney
March 20, 2024 midnight

'Staff Infection' wins dodgeball tourney

The Superior BPA Dodgeball Tournament Champions were the returning teacher's team, "Staff Infection." They took down a high school boys' team called the "Skippers" to take the title. From left to right, Samijo Firestone, Jake McElroy, Byron Quinlan, Christopher Quinlivan, Jeff Schultz, and not pictured, Colin Bishop. (Mineral Independent/Amy Quinlivan)

Law enforcement officers earn medals of valor for heroic actions
March 20, 2024 midnight

Law enforcement officers earn medals of valor for heroic actions

The county commissioner’s room at the Mineral County Courthouse in Superior was packed last Wednesday evening, full of officers, local first responders, citizens and friends gathering to reflect and honor those who answered the call to protect the community last March during an officer involved shooting.

St. Regis seamstress has lifetime of experience
March 13, 2024 midnight

St. Regis seamstress has lifetime of experience

Since she was knee-high to a grasshopper, or in this case, a Singer Sewer, Gayle Johnston’s remarkable seamstress profession has come together over the years one stitch at a time.

Teams gear up for dodgeball tourney March 14
March 6, 2024 midnight

Teams gear up for dodgeball tourney March 14

It’s a day that teachers and students, parents and children eagerly look forward to each year. It’s not Christmas or Halloween, but the annual Superior Business Professionals of America Dodgeball Tournament.

PHOTO: Pool in the Park fundraiser
February 21, 2024 midnight

PHOTO: Pool in the Park fundraiser

Angie Hopwood, was the caller for Bingo during last Monday's Pool in the Park Fundraiser at the St. Regis Community Center. Around 30 players gathered to dot bingo their cards and generate funds for a new pool in Superior. Winners had a wonderful variety of prizes and gift baskets to choose from donated by area businesses, and two black out card rounds had even bigger winnings. (Mineral Independent/Amy Quinlivan)

St. Regis hosts Valentine's Day craft fair
February 21, 2024 midnight

St. Regis hosts Valentine's Day craft fair

Love was definitely in the air, and spread throughout dozens of vendor tables at the Valentine's Day Craft Fair at the St. Regis Community Center last Saturday.

St. Regis students bake Valentine’s cookies for annual fundraiser
February 7, 2024 midnight

St. Regis students bake Valentine’s cookies for annual fundraiser

The cafeteria at St. Regis School on Feb. 3 was filled with the sweet aroma of warm sugar cookies, around 840 of them.

Republican Jeff Stanek greets HD-90 voters
February 7, 2024 midnight

Republican Jeff Stanek greets HD-90 voters

Candidate for Montana House of Representatives District 90, St. Regis resident Jeff Stanek met with voters and community members Feb. 3.

January 31, 2024 midnight

Arctic blast wreaks havoc as pipes burst

Montana endured a record-breaking cold snap during the second week of January. Mineral County residents felt the brutal plunge in mercury for roughly a five-day stretch, before thermometers slowly crept back above 32 degrees.

St. Regis students cash in at Stock Market Game
January 17, 2024 midnight

St. Regis students cash in at Stock Market Game

The typical high school student has a limited knowledge of investing, saving, and basic comprehension of the stock market. St. Regis history teacher, Jeff Stanek, has worked for the past several years to help change the trend of financial illiteracy.

'Hat bar' trend inspires new local business
January 10, 2024 midnight

'Hat bar' trend inspires new local business

American clothing designer and style icon, Kate Spade, once said, “A woman can conquer the world with the right hat.”

Reflecting on 2023: Neighbors helping neighbors in River Road East Fire
December 27, 2023 12:05 a.m.

Reflecting on 2023: Neighbors helping neighbors in River Road East Fire

In mid-December, it’s hard to remember that only four months ago several areas across western Montana were contending with forest fires.

St. Regis Christmas light display contest
December 27, 2023 midnight

St. Regis Christmas light display contest

First place winner goes to Trina Lohman with her bright and colorful display on Main Street. Her decorations even included a Tiger with a Santa hat, which was fitting being across from St. Regis School.

St. Regis Winter Festival
December 20, 2023 midnight

St. Regis Winter Festival

St. Regis Winter Festival