Sunday, March 29

Sanders County Trade fair a success
Melissa Oyer
Trout Creek business resolves underground storage tank violations
Helena — The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has settled its administrative enforcement action against Mary Kendziorski for violations of the Montana Underground Storage Tank Act at Henry's Hideaway in Trout Creek, Montana.

Plains High School celebrates prom in 'Viva Las Vegas' style
Melissa Oyer
Sunday, March 22
17 dead in Montana plane crash
from AP
American Legion to hold spring meeting
The American Legion of Montana will hold their spring meeting of District 4 on Saturday, March 29. Registration will begin at 9 a.m. at the Eagles Lodge located at 37 First Street West in Kalispell. The Department program will begin at 10 a.m.
Thursday, March 19
Plains home destroyed by fire
Melissa Oyer
Plains residence destroyed by fire
Melissa Oyer
Community Calendar
**The Wildhorse Plains Backcountry Horsemen meet the second Monday of each month at First Security Bank. Any questions should be directed to Terry Collins at 826-5595.
Wednesday, March 11

Hot Springs Savage Heat at state
Jamie Doran
Jeanette "Jan" Marie Jarrett Hendrickson
ST. REGIS - Jeanette “Jan” Marie Jarrett Hendrickson, 68, devoted mother and wife, died at home in St. Regis, early Friday morning, Feb. 27, 2009, after complications from an extended illness.

Bees determine spelling champs
Nick Ianniello

Severe weather causes highway havoc
Nick Ianniello

Reading day brings out book worms
Nick Ianniello
Ag secretary decides to delist grey wolves
Hugh Vickery

Little Guy Wrestling
Photos by Coby Clinkenbeard
Not guilty pleas in poaching case
Nick Ianniello

Little guys duke it out in Superior
Nick Ianniello
Bartender training draws hefty crowd
Nick Ianniello