Thursday, September 29

Band plays on
The Thompson Falls pep band plays music while rolling in the annual Homecoming Parade.

Wrecking parade float
One of the larger themed floats in the annual Homecoming Parade, a few football players took sledgehammers and baseball bats to old cars, shouting "Wreck the Trojans!"

Bluehawk pride
The Thompson Falls Bluehawks ride in the annual Homecoming Parade down Main Street.

Little marching bluehawks
Thompson Falls Elementary students march in the Homecoming Parade in their Bluehawks masks Friday afternoon down Main Street.

Bookstore décor
A red ottoman sits between the classics cabinet and a children's books shelf and sitting area in Bear-ly Read Used Books and More.

Comfortable cat corner
Iverson's cat, Mr. Pink, rests on his chair in the bookstore. He is always open to be cuddled by book browsers.

Waiting to be read to
Part of the children's reading corner, a giant stuffed bear sits waiting in Bear-ly Read.

A cozy reading place
One of the main reading chairs in the bookstore.

Welcome to Bear-ly Read
The view upon entering Bear-ly Read Used Books and More, located at Broad and Maiden Lane in Thompson Falls.

Noxon on a roll
The Red Devils pounding the ball against the opposition at Superior.

Bluehawks Homecoming
The Thompson Falls Homecoming King and Queen announcement during halftime of Friday's game vs. Whitehall

Throwing for some yards against Bigfork
Plains quarterback Bransen Krebs throwing a pass against Bigfork last Friday in a 56-6 loss.

Fun at the Market
A picture of a pumpkin family that was submitted by Julaine Markquart in the Multipe Pumpkins category. Markquart won first prize in her category.
Wednesday, September 28

Awarded teachers
The St. Regis School K-6 teachers. From left to right, Julie Burklund, Kim Rebich, Sabrina Managhan, Teresa Wilson, Laura Jarvis, Melody Adamson, Gloria Hermes, Diane Gingerich.

St. Regis nationally recognized
Friday, September 16

Tipped, flipped and spilled
The semi-truck cab lays on its side while the trailer it was hauling lays behind it flipped. The contents of the load, compressed cardboard boxes, lay spilled on the shoulder.

Semi-truck flips on highway 28
Up the mountain on Montana highway 28, between mile markers 4 and 5 lay a flipped semi-truck and trailer; the contents of its load spilled about the shoulder, late Friday afternoon near Plains.
Thursday, September 15

A moment of silence
Plains Volunteer Fire Department Assistant Chief Sheppard 9left foreground) and Captain Johnson (right foreground) stand during a moment of silence to honor those that died during the September 11, 2001 attacks. The rest of the fire department stand in the background.

Thompson Falls rushing attack
Garrett Reinschmidt (#21) of Thompson Falls running for postive yardage with teammates Chet LaForce (#64) and Blade Jacobson (#51) working to create running room.

Plains against Shelby
Plains senior Tanner Ostrom, number 82, dashes through a hole in the Coyote defense for a first down Friday night at the Plains Horsemen football game against the Shelby Coyotes.

1967 Mustang
Frank and Tiffany Day in front of their 1967 Mustang they entered for the Cool Summer Nights Car Show in Trout Creek last weekend. The couple took second place in the 1958-1972 category.
Wednesday, September 14

Hi-tech learning
Superior students Ashley Blaylock and Melinda Steinebach work on their laptops during their yearbook class Tuesday afternoon.

Laptops change learning
While waiting for class to start at Superior High School this year, the upperclassmen no longer open their notebooks. Instead, juniors and seniors open their new laptops.
Tuesday, September 13

Grow site
Rows of marijuana were found in the Lolo National Forest near Superior.

Massive loads of marijuana found in Mineral County
A marijuana farm in Lolo National Forest on the Superior Ranger District was destroyed Tuesday morning by law enforcement officers. The grow area had over 3,000 plants on three acres of steep forestland.
Friday, September 9

Busted up car at the derby
Tony Adams Jr. in car 146 near the end of the Championship Match of the Demolition Derby.

Winner of the Demolition Derby
Rob Steinebach in car 9E driving into John Kneer in car 51. Steinebach went on to win the Demolition Derby Championship.

Competitors clash at derby
Jerry Johnson in car 357 ramming Paul Hall in car 716 at the Championship Round of the Demolition Derby at the Sanders County Fair last Sunday

Championship round of the derby
Jerry Johnson in car 357 ramming Paul Hall in car 716 at the Championship Round of the Demolition Derby at the Sanders County Fair last Sunday
Wednesday, September 7

volunteer work
West End Assistant Fire Chief Art Drobny and Fire Chief Bruce Charles adjust water valves before using a water hose.

Local firefighters keep county safe
Most volunteer work does not require responding to 3 a.m. emergency phone calls or running towards a burning building. However, for the fire departments in Mineral County that is exactly the case.

Giving spirit
Gene and Pam Young stand by the church's yard sale during the St. Regis Town-Wide Yard Sale.

A boy and his horse...and kitten
Alan Chojnacky and his kitten Squirt tend to the stall of Alan's horse, Jurassic Sunday at the Sanders County Fairgrounds 4-H building.

Beloved carnival rides
The carousel and ferris wheel at the fair carnival.

Carnival fun
Brooklyn Quesnelle catches a frog at the frog snapping game booth at the carnival Friday.

Underneath the fair umbrellas
People seek shade under the many umbrellas at the Sanders County Fair. The grounds were hailed as looking very nice this year.

8-second thrill ride
Clayton Savage rides bull Thursday night at the Sanders County Fair Rodeo.

Hangin' on
Beau Hill rides bull Thursday night at the Sanders County Fair Rodeo.

Marching along
Popular rodeo bull fighter and clown Pumpkin Town puts on a show with his mighty Shetland pony, Turbo. Turbo performed many tricks for the adoring crowd with Pumpkin Town, including bucking like a bronco, dancing to music and marching like a soldier, pictured above. At the end of his set, he took a low bow that was welcomed with a big applause.

National Anthem rider
Michele McGuigan* rides with the American flag through the main arena during the singing of the National Anthem at the Sanders County Fair Roedo Thursday evening.

Precious babies
Baby Cooper Spurr pets two baby piglets at the 4-H sale on Sunday.

Pulled from the brush
Valley Towing of Plains pulled the gray Ford Taurus from the trees and brush. They initially had to adjust cables in order to flip the car right-side up before they were able to tow it out onto the highway. A Sanders County Sheriff deputy directed traffic during this process.

The grand champion enters the arena
Lane Foster walks his grand champion Red Angus steer into the 4-H arena during the 4-H market livestock sale Sunday at the Sanders County Fairgrounds.

Fair 4-H Awards and sale go well for participants
Thursday, September 1

Hop away
Molly Patko takes the lead in a potato sack race during the first annual Fall Fitness Fun Day Saturday morning.

Airport dedication
Superior local Bob Ruthford stands by a sign at the Mineral County airport.

Fourth of July Parade
From above, spectators watch floats pass by during the St. Regis Fourth of July Parade.

Classic cars
Passersby stop to enjoy the classic cars park in downtown Superior for the 12th annual car show Saturday afternoon.

Prepare for takeoff
Miriya Hurley-Acevedo (left) prepares to be launched by Rebound Unlimited Inc. employee Albert Cartwright (right) on the Trampoline Thing Saturday at the St. Regis Flea Market.

Trotter Volleyball at Mission Tourney
Kayla Revier is defending the net as Tia Thompson looks on for the Plains volleyball team during the Mission Tournament.

Pregame Ritual
The Noxon volleyball team doing their pregame ritual before their match with Hot Springs.

Trout Creek Regatta Day 2
George Doi of Spokane, WA in a 97R SE Hydro during day two of the Trout Creek Regatta.

Happy couple
"Much Ado About Nothing" characters Claudio (Daniel L. Haley) and Hero (Sara Mountjoy-Pepka) are overjoyed to be engaged to one another. The 2011 Montana Shakespeare in the Parks troupe visited and performed for the town of Plains at the Sanders County Fairgrounds.

Dancing in masks and ballgowns
The 2011 Montana Shakespeare in the Parks troupe perform "Much Ado About Nothing." This scene is the initial dance scene in which the young characters begin courting one another. From left: Beatrice (Kalen Harriman) dances with the disguised Benedick (Samuel Ashdown) while Margaret (Eliza Stoughton) dances with the disguised Don Pedro (Michael Gonring).

A good Southern woman
"God, please send me a husband!" sarcastically cries Beatrice (Kalen Harriman) during a scene with her cousin Hero (Sara Mountjoy-Pepka) and uncle Leonato (Michael Perez) as they try to persuade her to seek marriage as any 'good' Southern woman should.

The Plan
Claudio (Daniel L. Haley) listens to Don Pedro's (Michael Gonring) plan as he explains how he, Don Pedro, will woo Hero in the shy and awkward Claudio's stead.

House rules
A Messenger (Mark Kuntz) looks on as Leonato (Michael Perez) explains the house situation to a just-returned from the battelfield Don Pedro (Michael Gonring). Hero (Sara Mountjoy-Pepka) and Beatrice (Kalen Harriman) observe the exchange from stage left.

Don Pedro (Michael Gonring) greets his cousin Hero (Sara Mountjoy-Pepka) upon his retrun from the battelfield for the Confederates.

Plains enjoys the play
Plains residents enjoy the play, "Much Ado About Nothing" at the Sanders County Farigrounds Friday, August 26 performed by the 2011 Montana Shakespeare in the Parks troupe.

Sibling wheelbarrow team
Siblings Alyssa and Dillon of Dixon participate in the 6-7 partner wheelbarrow race Saturday during the kid games at the annual Melon Days in Dixon.

Little potato sack racers
The 5 and under sack race competitors stand ready at the starting line at the annual Melon Days kid games in Dixon. From left: Aida, Jayna, Brody, Dallas, Matthew and Brody.

'School' theme parades down 200
The Dixon School float makes its way down highway 200 during the annual Melon Days parade Saturday in Dixon.

Before the parade passes by
The annual Melon Days of Dixon parade begins Saturday and proceeds down Montana highway 200.

Poppin' Fresh in the parade
"Got Dough?" was the slogan for the Lake County Bank float, which hosted a giant paper-mache Pillsbury Doughboy and a huge money bag on top.

Local melons
The Hettick's melon truck full of Dixon-grown melons like honeydew, watermelon and cantaloupe.

Only in Montana
Kyle Middlemist of Dixon holds his nephew, Sadler McCollum, in his lap while driving a tractor in the Melon Days Parade Saturday in Dixon.

Antebellum twist on Shakespeare
"Much Ado About Nothing" characters Claudio (Daniel L. Haley), Don Pedro (Michael Gonring) and Leonato (Michael Perez) spy on Beatrice (Kalen Harriman) from the balcony during her soliloquy regarding falling in love with Benedick, whom she claims to despise. The 2011 Montana Shakespeare in the Parks visited and performed for the town of Plains at the Sanders County Fairgrounds Friday evening.

New engine and old
The new engine from Pennsylvania (left) and the old Pierce engine (right) at the Plains Volunteer Fire Department engine barn.