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Lady Heat volleyball fields well-rounded roster
The youth movement continues in Hot Springs.
Key returners to lead St. Regis volleyball
Each year in high school sports brings about change, including to team line-ups. Sometimes it is dramatic, other times very subtle.
Community calendar
Community calendar
West End Fire Department holds recruitment barbecue
Many people may think that when a volunteer fire department needs help, they think of firefighters.
Federal regulators flag concerns as Montana cuts Medicaid rolls
Federal regulators are urging Montana health officials to fix shortcomings in the state’s Medicaid redetermination process, expressing “concerns” that the state may be disenrolling people who are eligible for the public health insurance and creating barriers for others through long wait times at call centers and during the application process.
St. Regis-Mullan Tigers ramp up for season kickoff
So how do you replace an all-everything athlete who led your team in a bunch of offensive and defensive measurements last season?
Legals for August, 16 2023
COLUMN: World Cup team all about politics
Soccer, at least among the Women’s World Cup team, is shooting itself in the proverbial foot.
Fall prep sports ramp up this month
This is why some people leave outdoor Christmas lights up year-round.
Legals for August, 9 2023
Northwest Montana enters Stage 2 fire restrictions
Much of Northwest Montana is under Stage 2 fire restrictions that ban campfires as severe drought conditions have expanded, bringing extreme fire danger to the entire region, fire managers said Friday.
Economist warns state must boost energy production
Montana risks becoming a net importer of electricity because growth in electricity generation and transmission infrastructure is failing to keep pace with increasing demand, according to Dr. Pat Barkey, director of the University of Montana’s Bureau for Business Economic Research.
Economist warns state must boost energy production
Montana risks becoming a net importer of electricity because growth in electricity generation and transmission infrastructure is failing to keep pace with increasing demand, according to Dr. Pat Barkey, director of the University of Montana’s Bureau for Business Economic Research.
Legals for August, 2 2023
PHOTO: Mineral County Reading in the Park
Terri Barclay, a former St. Regis Elementary Teacher, Office of Public Instruction Project Director, and instructor at the Montana Yoga Movement led an exciting and active story time session at Eva Horning Park on Tuesday, July 25. The Mineral County Library's Reading in the Park program concluded last week with a session of yoga for kids and beginners. Barclay read through the book, Be a Friend, as she and the children did a series of yoga poses like this tree pose. After the book and a bit of exercise, everyone celebrated with popsicles. (Mineral Independent/Amy Quinlivan)
Heat brings fishing restrictions on Clark Fork River
Fishermen have been expecting the hoot owl fishing restrictions with this intense heat, but now there are also closures on the Clark Fork River.
Wildfire races across Montana 28 at Niarada
A wildfire west of Elmo raced across Montana 28 on Sunday, leaving a scorched swath of 5,000 acres in its wake.
Mineral County Fair to offer new events
"Always Fun in the 54" is the theme of the 48th Mineral County Fair set for Aug. 3-5, with many favorite events but a whole sack-full of new stuff.
Roads opened for firewood gathering on Superior District
The Superior Ranger District has opened several roads for firewood gathering through Sept. 1, with the caveat that a piece of paper is required.
Fresh doughnuts served up at senior center
Whether its travelers headed North to Glacier, or locals stopping in for coffee and morning banter with friends, Johanna Stuart, at the St. Regis Senior Center wants people to drop by and try out her handmade donuts.