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Community Notes
Parents as Teachers is holding a diaper drive from Oct. 29 to Nov. 9 to collect a goal of 300 packages of diapers for distribution to families in need in Mineral County. Parents as Teachers provides educational materials to parents about child development; screens children for potential delays; and offers general parenting support. Diapers will be distributed on the evening of Nov. 14 in St. Regis along with an educational event. More information is available at the Mineral County Health Department at 406-822-3564 or email April Quinlan at aquinlan@co.mineral.mt.us.
Community gets speed limit reduced on Montana 135
How many times have you been entering St. Regis on Montana 135 and as you crest the hill the flashing sign reports you are going 50 or even 60 miles per hour?
Legislative update from Rep. Loge
We are down to the crunch time this week. By the time you see this, all appropriation bills, revenue bills and referenda will have had to pass to the other chamber.
The Mineral County Public Library has a new website
Thanks to the Friends of the Mineral County Public Library and a local web developer, the Mineral County Public Library now has a new mobile-optimized website.
Community Calendar
Brovold Orchard open house in Alberton from 2-4 p.m.
Community calendar
The U.S. Forest Service and the Mineral County Resource Collaborative will hold a grand opening event on National Trails Day at Murphy Creek...
Mineral County Sheriff's Report
Richard Cary Benner
The only book that Dick ever read was the Bible, and he had it right on his table where he sat each morning.
An update from Rep. Schwaderer
The Montana Legislature only meets in session for 90 work days every other year, so our next session will commence in January, 2015. In between those sessions is referred to as “the interim”, and some Representatives and Senators are given appointments during that time to sit on an interim committee.
Legals for March, 1 2023
MCPAC opens season with classical guitar concert
SUPERIOR – The strumming of guitar music filled Superior’s Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Tuesday evening as the Mineral County Performing Arts Council presented the classical guitar playing of Dr. Roger Glenn Pafford.
Mineral County community calendar
Legislative update from Rep. Loge
We have completed our second week of the 68th Montana legislative session.
Legislative update from Rep. Loge
We have processed most of the red tape reduction bills the governor promised were coming our way, at least in the House.
Update from Rep. Schwaderer
Revenue update:
Legals for February, 22 2023
W. Damon Wheeler
Warren Damon Wheeler, born to Warren and Ida Wheeler in Sand Coulee, MT on September 25, 1916, died peacefully of natural causes at the Clark Fork Valley hospital in Plains on Sunday, March 6, 2011.
New stars to replace four outstanding track and field grads
It’s a theme fairly common among small town track and field programs and other sports at the high school level.
Community calendar
Community calendar
Community Calendar
Community Calendar