Friday, February 28, 2025

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February 19, 2011 8:15 a.m.

Keeping in touch

We completed our 35th legislative day on Saturday, February 12, 2011.  The transmittal deadline for non-revenue bills to pass between the House and the Senate is Thursday, February 24th.  Bills which have no revenues attached to them must be passed out of committee by Friday, February 18th so that they may heard on the floor of  the House in order to be voted on by the House and complete the process in the lower chamber.  Then the bills which pass 2nd and 3rd readings advance to the Senate for another thorough vetting.  The bills which successfully complete the process in the Senate are then transmitted to the Governor’s office to be signed into law. 

February 10, 2011 4:11 p.m.

Local students testify for bill

Three students from Superior testified before legislators on behalf of House Bill 20 back in January. Kalyn Plouffe, Savannah Moore and Sarah Wuebkes, along with other high schoolers from Montana, testified for the bill, currently in the senate, which would authorize county social host liability ordinances.

February 2, 2011 2:34 p.m.

Stay involved in politics

One could ask that as the elections of 2010 are behind us, are we done with politics?  The answer would be a resounding no.

January 26, 2011 1:28 p.m.

Keeping in touch: News from committees

On Friday, January 21st, the Health and Human Services Committee which I serve on held a hearing on House Bill 68.  HB 68 is “an Act Revising the Medical Marijuana Act to Create a Licensing and Regulatory System for People Who Grow, Manufacture, Distribute or Sell Medical Marijuana; Requiring Montana Residency to Obtain a Registry Identification Card or a License; Clarifying Requirements for Physicians Who Provide Written Certification; Providing Local Government Authority to Regulate Medical Marijuana Licensees; Establishing Prohibitions on the Medical Use of Marijuana by People; Expanding the Limitations on the Medical Use of Marijuana; Providing Definitions; Providing Rulemaking Authority; Creating a Special Revenue Account; and, Appropriating Funds.”

January 19, 2011 11:51 a.m.

Keeping in Touch

With contact from constituents regarding the lack of the presence of the State Highway Patrol in Sanders County, I wanted to relate some information I recently received in case some of our residents, themselves, might want to be a part of the solution for returning State Highway Patrol coverage to Sanders County.

January 14, 2011 10:40 a.m.

Keeping in touch

One of the bills you’ve seen discussed on television news lately is a bill I am carrying on behalf of the Secretary of State’s office, a bill which has long been an important bill to the Election Administrators of Montana, House Bill 130.  HB 130 is an “Act revising procedures for conducting mail ballot elections; requiring elections other than school elections to be held by mail; provides for training of Election Administrators and Election Judges; revises procedures by which Election Administrators confirm Electors residence and mailing addresses; revises procedures for reactivating an Electors registration; revises certain absentee ballot provisions; requires counties to pay for ballots returned with insufficient postage; revises procedures for creating and approving a written election plan; provides for notice to inactive electors; provides  requirements for voting booths; provides requirements for places of deposit and official drop boxes for ballot returns: revises procedures for handling and counting returned ballots; and, repeals the requirement that Election Administrators provide for proportional voting in certain elections (13-19-302 MCA regarding votes to be cast in proportion to ownership or other factor other than one vote per person).  

January 5, 2011 12:59 p.m.

Master Gardener classes to start

Master Gardener courses have been rotated annually since 1996 between Noxon, Thompson Falls, Plains and last year in Hot Springs. During that period, over 250 people have attended all or part of the program.  In 2009, MSU State Horticulturist, Toby Day reorganized the Montana Master Gardener program into three levels with level 1 similar to the curriculum taught for many years in counties across the state. Level 2 is more in-depth and level 3, an on-campus intensive 3 day short course offered in Bozeman this coming summer (2011).

December 22, 2010 11:18 a.m.

Keeping in Touch: session approaching

While these December days are filled with bazaars, shopping plans, baking (and eating), decorating, singing carols, gathering together with friends and families, school programs, opportunities to help others and time to count your blessings, for me and other Legislators it is also a time to prepare for the upcoming 62nd Legislative Session which  begins on January 3, 2011 when we are sworn into office.

December 15, 2010 2:47 p.m.

Trout netting study delayed

A draft environmental review for a lake trout netting project on Flathead Lake has been delayed but should be released sometime this winter, an official with the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes said last Thursday.

December 1, 2010 1:49 p.m.

Tips for safe driving this season

When the snow flies, keep these hints in mind

Sanders County residents saw a consistent snow fall early last week as winter weather arrived and temperatures dropped. Between Friday, Nov. 20, and Monday, Nov. 22, the Montana Highway Patrol responded to 596 car crashes. Troopers responded to a car crash every eight minutes after frigid, snowy weather descended on the state.

November 26, 2010 1:22 p.m.

Ski run boasts deep powder, early opening

If it’s going to be cold, there might as well be snow on the ground. And if there is going to be snow on the ground then there ought to be enough to enjoy the outdoor recreation of activities such as skiing and snowboarding.

October 8, 2010 2:17 p.m.

Ron Olfert wants to revive local economy

To dispel any conflicting rumors or ideas about the manner in which the Democrats and Republicans have been involved in the decision to disallow write-in candidates to participate in the forums, you can find a rather lengthy chronology at the following website:  All pertinent documents are reproduced there.

October 4, 2010 11:20 a.m.

We the People: agency bills

Last week we finished up our work on the Law and Justice Interim Committee (LJIC). The LJIC provides oversight of the Department of Justice, the Department of Correction and the Office of Public Defenders. It was at this meeting that these state agencies brought forth their bill proposals for the next session. The Department of Justice has seventeen bill requests. Some of these have been brought up at previous sessions.  There appears to be a habit of continuing to introduce a bill until it eventually becomes law. One of these, the Primary Seatbelt Law is a good example, this bill was narrowly defeated last session. Here is a synopsis of other bill requests:

October 1, 2010 10:37 a.m.

Grants offered by MCCF and Old Schoolhouse Rock

Grants of up to $500 will be offered to community organizations located and serving Mineral County. Applicants do not necessarily need to be officially recognized as non-profits, but must demonstrate that their focus is on a charitable service to the people and communities of Mineral County.

July 16, 2010 9:53 a.m.

Superior resident wins library scholarship

The Montana State Library is pleased to announce that 17 Montana residents will receive full scholarships to pursue either a master's degree in library and information science or school library media endorsement credentials.

July 14, 2010 12:38 p.m.

Local senators receive pro-business awards

Mineral County legislator Rep. Gordon Hendrick (R-Superior) and Senate District 7 Sen. Greg Hinkle (R-Thompson Falls) have been given a "Champion of Small Business" award for their pro-small business voting record in the 2009 Legislative Session.

Bicycling down to the border
June 9, 2010 11:35 a.m.

Bicycling down to the border

New pastor embarks on humanitarian mission before starting in Plains

The Plains/Paradise United Methodist Church has a new pastor in town, but you may have missed him. After arriving from the Philadelphia area to settle in the Plains/Paradise community last week, Pastor Thomas Hall hit the road once more, but this time by bicycle.

Seeds, soils and Starts starts on Saturday
May 13, 2010 12:07 p.m.

Seeds, soils and Starts starts on Saturday

Thompson Falls, MT - Rain or shine, this Saturday features the early season event of the Thompson Falls Market "Seeds, Soil & Starts" from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on the west lot of the Falls Motel.

May 5, 2010 11:23 a.m.

Bison Range set to open Red Sleep Drive

Now that winter is over, it's time to get outside and enjoy springtime. If the weather and road conditions cooperate, the Refuge will open Red Sleep Mountain Drive on Saturday, May 8 for the 2010 visitor season.

April 7, 2010 11:08 a.m.

In honor of Deputy Dave Hedley

Community members gather for a blood drive in Thompson Falls on Monday

The community gathered Monday to give back to someone who has given so much of his time and effort serving the people of Sanders County.