Saturday, March 01, 2025

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New extension agent starts work
August 27, 2014 1:56 p.m.

New extension agent starts work

THOMPSON FALLS – A new face has stepped into the position of the Agricultural and Natural Resources MSU Extension Agent, following in the footprints of his mentor, John Halpop.

Superior Junior High boys go 19-0
December 22, 2021 midnight

Superior Junior High boys go 19-0

Perfection is hard to obtain. Just ask all those teams who have tried without success to match the 1972 Miami Dolphins Super Bowl winning 17-0 mark.

Students learn about health and nutrition during annual Fun Run
May 16, 2018 4 a.m.

Students learn about health and nutrition during annual Fun Run

Hundreds of grade school students strapped on their tennis shoes and geared up to participate in the Annual Mineral County Fun Run. It was held in Superior on May 9 and kindergarten through sixth-graders looped their way around Clark Fork and Osprey Drive near the Mineral Community Hospital. Kindergarten through fourth-graders ran the one mile course, while fifth- and sixth-graders did the 5K. Teachers, parents and community members were also welcome to participate in the event. Lower grades students were also allowed to participate in the 5K.

Ronald William Wachsmith, 80
August 10, 2017 1:45 p.m.

Ronald William Wachsmith, 80

Ronald William Wachsmuth, 80, passed away July 19, 2017, at St. Patrick Hospital in Missoula with his family by his side.

January 7, 2016 2:23 p.m.

Quit smoking and save $2,140

May 29, 2013 11:39 a.m.

FWP seeks comment on wolf hunting and trapping proposals

The Montana’s Fish, Wildlife & Parks Commission is seeking public comment on changes for the 2013-14 wolf hunting and trapping seasons.

Searching the wilds of Montana for the elusive winged raptor
February 28, 2024 midnight

Searching the wilds of Montana for the elusive winged raptor

On a brisk Saturday morning wildlife biologist Brian Baxter and a group of avid bird watchers assembled at Beagle’s Bakery & Expresso in Thompson Falls.

August 7, 2024 midnight

Legals for August, 7 2024

Group discusses daycare dilemma in Sanders County
February 28, 2024 midnight

Group discusses daycare dilemma in Sanders County

Similar to many other regions of Montana, Sanders County suffers from a lack of childcare facilities within its boundaries.

October 19, 2022 midnight

Montana’s proposed digital privacy amendment, explained

As Montana voters head to the polls this fall, they’ll have the chance to amend the state Constitution to add language explicitly requiring law enforcement to obtain a search warrant before accessing a person’s private electronic data.

September 22, 2021 midnight

Montana Viewpoint: Politics, to listen or to lecture?

Individual politicians may have the best of motives, but the parties they belong to, no. The parties are like businesses, they want results.

The loneliest cowgirl in Sanders County
October 21, 2009 midnight

The loneliest cowgirl in Sanders County

Matt Unrau

The music has returned to St. Regis, Mullan schools
May 26, 2021 midnight

The music has returned to St. Regis, Mullan schools

They got the band back together, at St. Regis School and then some.

Pickleball club swings into Mineral County
January 15, 2025 midnight

Pickleball club swings into Mineral County

After playing golf one Saturday during the summer of 1965, Joel Pritchard, congressman from Washington State and Bill Bell, a successful businessman, returned to Pritchard’s home on Bainbridge Island, Washington, near Seattle, to find their families sitting around with nothing to do.

Paradise exhibit features region’s top artists
August 9, 2023 midnight

Paradise exhibit features region’s top artists

Cool in every sense of the word.

Flying for flapjacks
June 26, 2008 midnight

Flying for flapjacks

Dozens of pilots from across the region touched down on the Plains Penn Stohr Field’s tarmac in search of some free pancakes Saturday.

New Superior fire chief ready for challenges
April 10, 2018 6:22 a.m.

New Superior fire chief ready for challenges

When Rob Torrey stepped down as the Superior Volunteer Fire Department Chief last December, it left people wondering who would fill this critical community position. That’s when long-time Superior resident and volunteer firefighter, Steve Temple stepped up to become the next chief in February after serving as the assistant fire chief.

March 12, 2015 3:04 p.m.

Group works with landowners

MINERAL COUNTY – For more than 75 years, the Natural Resources Conservation Service has been helping private landowners develop and sustain natural resources on their land and the work continues to this day in Mineral County.

Pass, Punt and Kick
October 3, 2014 5:50 p.m.

Pass, Punt and Kick

THOMPSON FALLS – A group of children in Thompson Falls took some time out of their Sunday afternoon to take part in a countywide football competition for boys and girls.